Blockchain Observations

Group founded 15 Apr 2018
Posts 218
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Being a forum for blockchain ideas

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Jack Dorsey’s departure is bullish for crypto

Recently, Jack Dorsey announced that he has resigned from Twitter. Parag Agrawal, Twitter’s former CTO, will take over as CEO. In a resignation letter shared on Twitter, Dorsey explained that it was h...

08 Dec 2021
Dennis Van Der Vecht

Multichain Vs Ethereum — The battle is on

Research conducted by GrandReview has shown that the blockchain market is set to reach USD 394.60 billion by 2028 and there’s no sign of this rapid growth slowing down any time soon. When blockchain w...

26 Nov 2021
Retired Member

Upgrading Real Estate Tokenization to the Next Level

Blockchain technology is not a relatively new technology. It existed for many years, but only now has it gained mainstream appeal. The past few years saw blockchain technology getting integrated into ...

15 Nov 2021
Nish Kotecha

How to Implement Safer Sourcing and Why It’s Important

You don’t need me to tell you of the laser focus on sustainability in Boardrooms across the world, not least at COP26 currently happening in Glasgow where the good and the great are meeting to agree a...

05 Nov 2021
Retired Member

NFT Development - Initiative to make a better crypto space with flamboyant NFT market.

Every time the word NFT is used in the digital space, a hefty sum is generated as revenue. People from all over the world now know the potential of the NFT. The efficiency of the market has been facin...

02 Nov 2021
Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Non-fungible Tokens: bubble or future?

A new phenomenon in the blockchain world are so-called NFTs or non-fungible tokens. Although NFTs have been around for some years, the market for digital art pieces, commemorative items, and other ass...

31 Oct 2021
Vivek Singh

Blockchain triggers a wave of innovations in Banking Settlements

A successful demonstration of instantaneous clearing and settlement of securities using distributed ledger technology (DLT) by a Canadian consortium of Payments Canada, the Bank of Canada, TMX Group a...

28 Oct 2021
Retired Member

Cryptocurrency Wallet Development | A Quick Guide for Crypto Wallet Creation

The term cryptocurrency changed from a niche term into an overnight sensation. In the past two years, nearly everyone has heard about the term or has a general idea about the word. The popularity of B...

27 Oct 2021
Retired Member

How to Create a Bep20 Token? - BEP20 Token Development

What is a cryptocurrency? How does crypto work? How can a person create crypto? Can someone with no knowledge in Blockchain create and launch crypto? In the past few years, many of us have had these q...

13 Oct 2021
Nish Kotecha

Passports for products as well as people – enhancing trust through technology

Passports provide a licence to travel while also providing security – an established international recognition of proving identity and accompanying a ticket to ride. Passports have also come back into...

29 Sep 2021
Carlo R.W. De Meijer

European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI): the European way to get most out of blockchain

While the crypto world is getting huge attention worldwide, one would almost forget the promising technology behind it: blockchain or more generally named distributed ledger technology (DLT). There ar...

28 Sep 2021
Retired Member

Whitelabel NFT Marketplace Development - All You Need To Know About This Innovative Platform

The concept of non-fungible tokens has been on a frenzied spree all over the digital world. The entire credit goes to the cryptocurrency domain for paving the way for the creation of this innovative p...

04 Sep 2021

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