Blockchain Observations

Group founded 15 Apr 2018
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Being a forum for blockchain ideas

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Abijith T

A Complete Review Of An NFT Art Marketplace

Introduction The world of cryptos has been beholden to the frenzied and bullish run of NFTs in 2021. It's 2022, and the total market cap of NFTs is around 23 billion dollars. The NFT headlines are ro

18 Jul 2022
Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Unstable stable coins: how to regulate?

The crypto market was shocked by the sudden collapse of the third largest stablecoin TerraUSD early May. Long-time isolated from the falls in crypto coins like Bitcoin and Ethereum, stablecoins were d...

07 Jun 2022
Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Central Banks Digital Currencies: what may it bring for banks?

The future of money is digital, according to a new global CBDC index from Price Waterhouse Cooper (PwC). This year’s Index shows that central banks are “ramping up” activity in the digital currency sp...

09 May 2022
Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Crypto in the frontline: victim or survivor

The war of Russia versus its neighbour Ukraine has triggered many countries from the West to impose severe sanctions, mainly aimed at hurting the oligarchs around president Putin. They are trying va

06 Apr 2022
Suruchi Gupta

Could Bandwidth be a Super-Currency - A Global Digital Asset for the Masses?

For as long as cryptocurrency has existed, innovators have attempted to launch decentralized replicas of fiat money and the broader centralized financial system. In the Bitcoin white paper, Satoshi Na...

29 Mar 2022
Retired Member

Here’s A Complete Guide For NFT Marketplace Development

None of us have ever thought of such hype for NFTs when it emerged. With the passage of time, NFT has gained vast potential growth & popularity. This remarkably shows that many people are showing ...

11 Mar 2022
Retired Member

How To Develop Decentraland like Virtual Reality Platform?

The virtual world has been a mind-boggling concept in the sci-fi genre for decades. This has pulled in a wide range of audiences and furnished them with an immense amount of mesmerization and enterta

04 Mar 2022
Retired Member

Resumption of Ecommerce With White label NFT marketplace

White label NFT marketplace can now be the positive trigger to take up your ecommerce business into the emerging digitized, creative economy The vivid growth of NFTs, crypto assets and digital curre...

25 Feb 2022
Retired Member

Overcome Traditional Finance with women empowerment towards the Decentralized Finance

Decentralized finance has been evolving according to the trend, and people have started to adapt to the newest technology that eliminates traditional finance. The impact has been huge, and many peopl

23 Feb 2022
Arka Roy

What’s Next After Cryptocurrency, Metaverse, and NFTs

The Crypto Trend has brought forward several innovations- Metaverse, NFTs, and DAOs. The billion-dollar question- Where do we go now? 2021 will be remembered as the year cryptocurrency jumpstarted int...

15 Feb 2022
Retired Member

Why is Stable Coin an Ideal Investing Option Now?

For a while now, you might have heard the term “Stablecoin” becoming the next candidate for digital currency. This statement got traction since the value of cryptocurrencies – Bitcoin, in particular

15 Feb 2022
Praveen Ram

Top 10 Stablecoins 2022

At present, cryptocurrency has become one of the most mainstream technologies in the world. In order for a person to enter the digital space, it has now become mandatory for everyone to at least have

10 Feb 2022

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