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Digital Banking Trends

Digital Banking trends and Industry Intelligence for Bankers, Fintechs, and Solutions Providers

Barrie Wilkinson

Barrie Wilkinson 

To lend or not to lend . . .

. . . that is the question for digital challenger banks. If you look at the revenue breakdown of a traditional retail or commercial bank, 80%+ of the revenue comes from the net interest margin (NIM) on loans and deposits. And in Europe with the NIM on deposits being close to zero, this means that the vast majority of revenue comes from lendi

Barrie Wilkinson

Barrie Wilkinson 

The Agnostic Bank Branch

Purely digital expertise is too easy to clone and almost impossible to maintain as a source of competitive advantage. Today’s post argues that banks will need to combine their physical and digital capabilities to create a sustainable advantage and a re-invention of the bank branch is the right place to start. My basic idea is to have banks make al...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Embracing the Future of Smarter Customer Communications Management Today

The Customer Communications Management (CCM) industry has been around for some time especially in Financial Services. Born out of a need for companies to be able to produce compliant, yet highly personalized communications, enterprises invested in platforms that allowed them to produce mission-critical business and customer communications at MASSI...

Pankaj Upadhyaya

Pankaj Upadhyaya Vice President - Data Science, BI & Analytics at Maveric Systems

Data Analytics in Mergers and Acquisitions

Globally, banking M&A market is showing signs of improvement with 41 percent of companies intending to pursue acquisitions. The value of M&A deals in the Middle East region jumped to $33.7 billion last year, the highest level since 2007 as per Bloomberg research. While in the European market, M&As have stagnated with changing regulator...


Andrew Beatty

Andrew Beatty Head of Wealth, Retirement & International at FIS

Commercial Banking: The Bank’s Point of View

Commercial Banking is a highly profitable customer segment for global and large regional banks, and a key growth strategy for community and smaller regional banks. New challenger banks are also turning up the heat on traditional brick and mortar banks, as they are starting to attract business customers to their digital only banks. As a financial p...

Andrew Beatty

Andrew Beatty Head of Wealth, Retirement & International at FIS

Commercial Banking: Tips for Understanding the Customer's Point of View

Corporate Treasurers face the same opportunities and challenges as other executives. They're in a position to make a direct impact to their company's profitability, especially with their role gaining prominence after the financial crisis. Along with increased responsibilities, Corporate Treasurers struggle with the challenges of scarce human resou...


Andrew Beatty

Andrew Beatty Head of Wealth, Retirement & International at FIS

Putting AI to Use in Regulatory Compliance

Harnessing the power and potential of AI in regulatory compliance for financial services can give banks a competitive advantage in today's data-centric world. Let's see some practical examples. Here are three primary and practical ways that Artificial Intelligence use cases can be applied to best capitalize on the value, power, and potential of nex...

/ai /regulation

Barrie Wilkinson

Barrie Wilkinson 

Rewiring your bank

Continuing our recent theme of helping big complex companies to increase their agility, today I’m going to talk about some practical steps banks can take to simplify their technology architecture to make future change easier to manage. To be clear, I’m not talking about building a new bank in this post, I’m talking about simplifying the technology...

Andrew Beatty

Andrew Beatty Head of Wealth, Retirement & International at FIS

4 Trends to Watch in Regulatory AI

These top 4 trends of AI in regulatory compliance for financial services can give banks a competitive advantage in today's data-centric world. Innovative technologies leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) empower the automation of regulatory compliance and business processes; analysts view this type of automation as a top trend for financial inst...

/ai /regulation

Barrie Wilkinson

Barrie Wilkinson 

Get Humble. Get Digital. Get Growth.

Banks’ attempts to “digitize what they have” isn’t going to work. They need to massively reduce the scope and complexity of what they are involved in first. Then digitize. Then grow. Banks are like Cruise Ships Traditional banks have a lot in common with large cruise ships. They have lots of passengers who have to date been largely happy to stay on...

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