Disruption in Retail Banking

Group founded 03 Oct 2012
Posts 88
Members 30
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Growth in internet and mobile technologies has transformed many industries and economies. The market forces and competitive landscape has completely changed in many sectors. iTunes has fundamentally changed music industry, Amazon has driven most big brick and mortar book sellers out of business, Expedia is one of the worlds' biggest travel company….. the list goes on.

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Sameer Singh Jaini

To Hell with Digital

Industries of the future would come out of amalgamation of current industries, which were essentially built in Analog world. All success stories of Digital world have been about re-imagining of the cu...

26 May 2017
Anne Leslie-Bini

Mo’ Money Mo’ Problems: it’s time to incentivise purpose in banking

“I want to create a lender that people don't hate” said Denise Kingsmill, the chair of the board at U.K. challenger bank Monzo. Now there’s a pithy declaration that speaks volumes about the state of ...

01 May 2017
Retired Member

What Does MasterCard’s Biometric Chip Mean for Consumers?

Have you heard the news? In an ongoing attempt to fight back against those wishing to do financial harm to their customers, Mastercard is beginning a trial of a card which has a chip, along with a fin...

27 Apr 2017
Retired Member

Bitcoin ETF Bites the Dust, Needs More Security

When the SEC, last month, announced the proposal from Winklevoss Bitcoin Trust was declined, they made a clear statement to the cryptocurrency community: more security is needed. In their terms, they ...

23 Apr 2017
Retired Member

Paperless Digital ?

The terms Digital / Paperless / Straight thruough processing / seamless customer experience etc have been around for quite sometime. As customers we have begun to assume and expect it now all the time...

21 Apr 2017
Anuj Kumar

Employee 360: Real time Possibilities

Go paintballing and one experiences frenzied energy. You duck and dive but those balls of paint just keep coming. You seek help; make a strategy and an execution plan but it all fails when the enemy c...

27 Mar 2017
Retired Member

Is there still life in the old bank?

About 3 years ago when I started presenting on digital I’d open with a couple slides. The first about Fintechs nibbling around the edges of Banking the notion was these were piranha’s – one wouldn’t

12 Mar 2017
Retired Member

Future of the Branch: Unconventional Branches

Solving Unaddressed Customer Problems While internet and mobile banking have revolutionised the ease of access to banking products, there are occasions where neither digital nor traditional branch ba...

02 Mar 2017
Retired Member

Chatbots and the post-app era: Implications for banking

Context We have experienced first 16 years of the 21st century by now. Eventually, the pace of radical innovations has accelerated again and we see the society transforming. The way we interact with e...

28 Feb 2017
Retired Member

For successful banks Digital Advocacy isn’t a job; it’s a state of mind

Have you ever traveled to another part of the world, where people spoke a different language and followed customs that were completely different from what you were used to? Add to that a little jet-l...

21 Feb 2017
Retired Member

Really really really Know Your Clients: Fintechs hone behavior analytics and AI best-practices

The next generation of digitisation in financial services will propel the industry into the knowledge economy. More specifically, financial services firms can look forward to a future of using a more ...

20 Feb 2017

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