Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Founded by Miloslav Hoschek
Group founded 12 Jul 2010
Posts 350
Members 117
Group summary

Payments systems visions, strategies, trends, pilots, forecasting, and planning for the short-, medium-, and far-term.

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South-south trade - the elephant herd in the room.

The Ancient Mayans predicted that the world will end on 21st December 2012. While some of us may laugh at those stocking up on the non-perishables or forgoing Christmas shopping, the Mayans – who cons...

12 Dec 2012
Retired Member

Understanding Health Care EFT Standards

On March 23, 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was signed into law. Section 1104 of the PPACA requires the adoption of operating rules for health care electronic funds tran...

05 Dec 2012
Retired Member

All change for retail banking in the UK

The Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards has been a hive of activity recently, gathering evidence from the chief executives of UK banks as well as key thinkers such as Sir John Vickers, who c...

20 Nov 2012
Andres Fontao

Is it time to leave the cash and cards at home?

I am recently back to Madrid from a week-long business trip to San Francisco. Despite working in the mobile financial services industry for the past 5 years, until this week I had never encountered a ...

19 Nov 2012
Retired Member

Place your bets - insights on mobile payments

Some fascinating insights were revealed at the Sibos session “Placing your bets on mobile payments”. The panel included Dan Schatt from PayPal, Kelly Bayer Rosmarin from Commonwealth Bank Australia a...

05 Nov 2012
Retired Member

Death by regulation

One of the most interesting sessions at Sibos on Wednesday looked at the impact of regulation on transaction banking, which would at first glance fall into the “boring, complicated and dull” category;...

01 Nov 2012
Retired Member

Lessons from Japan

Things I have learned in the first two days here at Sibos in Osaka. I encountered my first musical heated toilet seat; I learned that the ATMs here dispense coins, and I discovered that everything is ...

30 Oct 2012
Retired Member

Unlock your mobile for payments

The financial services industry has not faced so many difficulties since The Great Depression in the 1930s. The combined pressures of government legislation, regulation and low levels of customer trus...

25 Oct 2012
Retired Member

Future of cash is electronic cash

Cash don't disappear- that is a fact. Don't deny it. Or is it possible to replace cash with alternative low cost solution. For laymans terms, cash is low cost payment method. But as everyone who know...

27 Sep 2012
Retired Member

Calculate the ROI of Migrating to Electronic Payments

Check printing is expensive. It is time consuming, labor intensive, and comes with the added costs associated with paper stock, ink, and postage. There is no doubt that migrating to electronic payment...

18 Sep 2012
Retired Member

Tips for Selecting an Integrated Payments Platform

In my recent blog article, “Why Outsource B2B ePayment Adoption?”, I conveyed the results from a recent SunGard study around B2B ePayments and why more and more organizations are opting to outsource ...

04 Sep 2012
Retired Member

Deja vu

Visa Europe targeted by the EC on credit card interchange fees Haven’t we been here before? The EC says Visa Europe's cross-border credit cardinterchange fees restrict competition between banks and in...

22 Aug 2012

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