Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Founded by Miloslav Hoschek
Group founded 12 Jul 2010
Posts 350
Members 117
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Payments systems visions, strategies, trends, pilots, forecasting, and planning for the short-, medium-, and far-term.

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Miloslav Hoschek

Global Trends 2030 A sad world vision publication of NIC

Global trends 2030: Alternative Worlds Economic growth might decline in “aging” countries. sixty percent of the world’s population will live in urbanized areas; migration will increase. food, Water,...

02 Sep 2013
Retired Member

PSD2 is published

The European Commission (EC)’ s long awaited proposal for a revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) published on 24 July 2013, has been overshadowed by its proposal for the regulation of Multilate...

26 Jul 2013
Retired Member

Retail payments: Making the seconds count

It’s a common scene: a customer waiting patiently for a card transaction to be processed. In most cases it only takes a few seconds, but it can certainly seem longer. While some staff may try and fill...

22 Jul 2013
Mark McMurtrie

Are PIN Mailers still the best way to distribute PINs ?

Ever since banks started issuing credit and debit cards they also needed to supply customers with a PIN for cardholder verification purposes. These were for card usage at the ATM or POS terminal. The ...

26 Jun 2013
Retired Member

Payment Factories and Global Cash Visibility-Part One

I have discussed how Payment Factories can help improve efficiency by centralising payments. I’d like to examine in more detail how a Payment Factory can improve cash visibility across an organisation...

19 Jun 2013
Retired Member

Card Acceptance Matters-Part 1

The migration from paper payments to electronic payments continues in a steady and inexorable fashion. Helping to accelerate this movement are the card networks and technology providers who are ena

17 Jun 2013
Retired Member

SEPA ain't ready yet

There are still few moths left for final dead line of implementing SEPA. Still only tiny % of direct debits are using SEPA. Some estimate that number is only 2 but let's hope it is not correct. For st...

04 Jun 2013
Retired Member

Being Ready The Future of Mobile Payments

Mass adoption of smart, connected and mobile devices globally has been transforming consumer behavior and dramatically evolving shopping experiences. Every device is now a commerce device. In fact, Ju...

29 May 2013
Retired Member

Corporate Payments: The Next Ten Years

What lies in store for corporate payments over the next ten years? The biggest evolution in the next ten years, and one that has already begun, is the move to XML. “Really, is moving to use XML such...

13 May 2013
Retired Member

Amended Dodd Frank Section 1073 effective October 2013

Following industry consultation, the US CFPB (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) has issued the awaited amendments to Dodd Frank Section 1073. The new 2013 Final Rule is effective from October 28...

01 May 2013
Retired Member

Assuring Your PCI Compliance

A critical component of any business success is being able to accept payments for goods and services. At the same time, we are keenly aware of the risk associated with doing so. Whatever one trades, w...

26 Apr 2013
Retired Member

Fingerprint vs. PIN code

As rumor says, Apple will introduce new fingerprint scanning to open iPhone but may also introduce fingerprint to accept payments. In technical standards it sounds really secure solution, but there ar...

11 Apr 2013

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