Unified Communications in Financial Services

Group founded 08 Jan 2009
Posts 18
Members 8
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A community for debating the role of UC within the banks today and how it may progress in the near / medium term.

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Four steps to the digital office for financial services firms

In my last piece, I argued that there were three major factors driving a transformation to a digital office in financial services; the physical rearchitecture of the workspace to accommodate more coll...

11 Oct 2017
Retired Member

Three forces converge to transform the office of financial services firms

(Part 1 of a 2-part series) Standard Chartered has been championing its flexible working policy recently, after rolling out extensive new policies across its international markets. The bank is maki...

29 Sep 2017
Andrew Fear

Business Objectives, Communications and Collaboration

The enormous and continuing success of i-devices, tablets and smartphones raises the question of how they can best be used to fulfil business strategy. Having the technology is one thing, but using it...

30 Oct 2012
Alex Noble

The challenge for RBoS positioning the Direct Line IPO

On one level, selling Direct Line in an IPO looks straight forward. The business model is proven and is made up of strong, well established brands. It is the leading UK personal lines insurer with a 1...

20 Sep 2012
Retired Member

Managing the diverse communications landscape

You’re a CIO or senior financial manager in a typical multi-national enterprise. You probably have thousands of staff across multiple geographies using a vast array of mobile voice and data devices. ...

09 Mar 2011
Retired Member

Is UC in the dealing room still tepid?

Just reflecting on whether the current situation facing the institutions today has added weight to this prediction back in 2006. As the business case for Unified Communications solidifies and the pre...

08 Jan 2009

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