Innovation in Financial Services

Founded by Elton Cane
Group founded 12 Nov 2007
Posts 1,674
Members 208
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A discussion of trends in innovation management within financial institutions, and the key processes, technology and cultural shifts driving innovation.

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Introduction Know Your Customer (KYC) processes require banks to validate and verify primary documents as part of due diligence. Currently the market is flooded with KYC utilities that help manage the...

30 Mar 2017
Retired Member

Looking for quick wins with chatbots in retail banking?

According to Cisco there is £326 billion at stake through digital transformation in retail banking. That's either in revenue opportunity or cost savings. With the profound shift in consumer behaviour ...

30 Mar 2017
Retired Member

Insuring a great customer experience

The insurance industry is undoubtedly facing difficult times. With a general commoditisation of product, ease of switching and more comparison sites, insurers are searching for ways to differentiate t...

29 Mar 2017
Anthony Walton

The API opportunity and how to successfully innovate in payments

APIs are one of the most talked about topics in the industry. They present a new way of working which can speed up development and increase the amount of features and applications available to new pro...

27 Mar 2017
Retired Member

Cloud: Elixir for Digital Transformation Elasticity, cyber defence and data compliance standard

Cloud technology is the salvation of the financial services industry. The cloud’ elasticity brings a new level of efficiency by matching volume to capacity. The cloud gives enterprise protection again...

27 Mar 2017
Ray Connolly

The future of Work Management in the Financial Workplace

"The future will happen, it’s not only inevitable it’s unavoidable" The world of work is currently going through a radical change. It’s not so long ago that it was about having the same job ...

20 Mar 2017
Retired Member

Digital stupidity: mobile wallets that mimic physical wallets

My physical wallet is useful - it helps me store a number of valuables and memories but it is dumb. It doesn't know anything about me. Ironically, we are creating the equivalent in digital or mobile w...

16 Mar 2017
Retired Member

Successful transformation requires a dictatorship

When it comes to digitally transforming, the financial services sector is suffering from the old saying ‘too many cooks spoil the broth’. Much needed innovation and change is being held back because t...

15 Mar 2017
Bo Harald

Real Time Economy for EU - Why?

The benefits - direct and indirect - should be analysed from several angles - even if it is clear that the benefits mostly soon will end up at the EU-citizens table: 1. Benefits for the EU-Citizen

15 Mar 2017
Bo Harald

Real Time Economy for EU - Big Picture

Being back from a very inspiring meeting in Brussels it is a good moment to post a few high level observations (going into Why-How-What details separately). The RTE is all about automating financial ...

15 Mar 2017
Retired Member

How Blockchain will Change the Future of Financial Service Sector?

The technology that is likely to have an enormous impact on the future of the world economy has arrived and it is here to stay… It’s called “Blockchain”… Blockchains are new technology layers that rew...

13 Mar 2017
Henry Hilska

Considering a Pragmatic Approach to Blockchain Implementation

There is an increasing amount of conversation related to the emerging technology called by the now over-used name of Blockchain. It seems an ironic use of that name since much of the actual news thes...

11 Mar 2017

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