Innovation in Financial Services

Founded by Elton Cane
Group founded 12 Nov 2007
Posts 1,674
Members 208
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A discussion of trends in innovation management within financial institutions, and the key processes, technology and cultural shifts driving innovation.

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Freddie McMahon


The Chatbot Market is being led by the six tech titans: Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, TenCent, Google and Apple. Some key trend highlights Transparency Market Research estimates that the global ch

11 Aug 2017
David Donovan

The Rise of AI First World in Financial Services

Looks like a number of movies these days are predicting the doom of the human race and the rise of the machines. Will machines take over the planet? Probably not. Will machines become your new colleag...

08 Aug 2017
Sadra Boutorabi

Why W3C Web Payment Standardisation Won’t Be The 3D Secure Killer

The online payments landscape is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Global retail eCommerce transaction volumes for products and services reached US$1.9 trillion in 2016 and are estim...

08 Aug 2017
Keith Stonell

Digitalisation, not Brexit, London Market's biggest challenge

Next year is the fortieth anniversary of when Lloyd’s decided to make a dramatic, concrete and steel statement about its past and future. 1978 was the year work started on Richard Rogers’ Lloyd’s Bui...

07 Aug 2017
Milos Dunjic

WANTED: Unified Contactless Kernel at POS

Contactless/proximity payments are promising technology, bringing speed and convenience to the checkout counter. They are supported by pretty much all payment schemes – Mastercard has PayPass, Visa ha...

05 Aug 2017
Anthony Walton

IT spend at EU banks set to increase

But can they successfully innovate? According to a recent news article on Finextra, 62% of European financial institutions expect to increase spending on payments technology throughout 2017. This maj...

03 Aug 2017
Chris Brown

Does PSD2 have to be complicated?

There has been a huge amount written about PSD2 recently and much of it appears to be, with the greatest respect, over complicating the issue. Very fundamentally, to provide for all of the requireme...

28 Jul 2017
Stacey Small

Is Apple about to take a bite out of the retail banking industry?

At the latest Apple Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) in San Jose, June 17 2017, Apple confirmed the rumours that they will create their own payments service which will be linked with Apple’s mobi...

28 Jul 2017
Retired Member

Banking on frictionless customer journeys

In 2014, the “age of the customer” was born as a phrase and remained largely abstract. But fast forward just a few years and in 2017, it is the holy grail for businesses – especially banks. We have no...

26 Jul 2017
Milos Dunjic

W3C Web Payment Standardization As A Potential 3D Secure Killer?

The 3D Secure 1.0 framework was originally introduced to address lack of consumer authentication in legacy online environments, mainly in cases where online merchant and consumer were not engaged in f...

23 Jul 2017
Chris Brown

An upgrade for Credit Unions and Community Banks?

Credit unions have been a hot topic for me this week. I have had two completely independent conversations with people about them. On Tuesday night I met a chap from the US at an investor summit who me...

21 Jul 2017
Retired Member

Banking in turbulent times: why keeping customers loyal is more important than ever

The financial services industry is going through an almost unprecedented period of change. Whether political, regulatory, societal and technological, a range of forces have been at work to shift the l...

19 Jul 2017

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