Innovation in Financial Services

Founded by Elton Cane
Group founded 12 Nov 2007
Posts 1,674
Members 208
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A discussion of trends in innovation management within financial institutions, and the key processes, technology and cultural shifts driving innovation.

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Enrico Camerinelli

What’s Blocking Supply Chain Blockchains?

Supply chain blockchain Proof of Concept (PoC) initiatives are showing that further progress is needed on the DLT technology before it will be ready to support production-grade applications in large-s...

17 Mar 2018
Jeremy Light

Powering Up a Crypto-Cash Society with Central Bank Money

Money without Innovation Fiat money takes three forms - electronic deposits at commercial banks, banknotes (and coins) and central bank (CB) reserves. None of these are great starting points for innov...

12 Mar 2018
Lee Campbell

Trader: Alexa, do you want to come to work with me?

Conversation-as-a-Service meets the trading floor The way we interact with computers has continually evolved from punch cards, command line interfaces and keyboards, the introduction of the mouse and ...

07 Mar 2018
Retired Member

Why Get-Fit-For-Summer Approach is Extremely Dangerous in Banking UX Design

We have all experienced the moment when we understand that the time for change has come. Often these changes are associated with personal challenges. Most of the time we want to implement them as soon...

07 Mar 2018
Enrico Camerinelli

Blockchain in The Supply Chain Use Cases: Certify the Existence of Goods in Inventory

The analysis of use cases proposed by Community NdT participants continues. Certify the Existence of Goods in Inventory (proposed by Omlog- logistics services and Guerra- SME food processor). This sol...

04 Mar 2018
John Findlay

You Need Empathy To Drive Digital Adoption

Digital adoption is usually looked at from a technological standpoint. What kind of tech can we build to make it more convenient to bank? What can we make easier, quicker, more cost effective? But the...

27 Feb 2018
Priya Lakshmi

Un-’block’ your business 1.0: Which blockchain initiatives are taking off first and why?

I was recently asked out to fill out a questionnaire on blockchain trends and one of the question was to rank the top 3 reasons / challenges we are seeing to blockchain adoption in mainstream and the ...

26 Feb 2018
Retired Member

The role connectivity has on the Investment Banking industry

In the highly competitive world of investment banking, exceeding customer requirements is the only sure-fire way to guarantee market share. As such, investment banks need to be able to deliver reliabl...

20 Feb 2018
Jose Pierre

Automation in Financial Services

It the next decade, it is expected that some form of artificial intelligence technology will perform work across financial functions, allowing people resources to focus on higher-value tasks and proje...

19 Feb 2018
Enrico Camerinelli

Blockchain in The Supply Chain Use Cases: Proof of Quality

The analysis of use cases proposed by Community NdT participants continues. Proof of Quality (proposed by Guerra, an Italian SME food processor). There are small-medium sized companies (SMEs) that ope...

18 Feb 2018
Barry Kislingbury

Real-Time payments are at the heart of the new global payments landscape: 10 Trends in 2018

2018 will certainly feature in the annals of the history of immediate payments: 3 major schemes – Real Time 1 (EBA RT1) for the processing of SEPA Credit Transfer Instant in Europe, The Clearing Hou

16 Feb 2018
Alex Kreger

How Digital Banking Can Meet Young Customers’ Expectations to Survive in the Age of Disruption

In recent years there has been growing a discussion on the ability of traditional businesses to adapt their services to the expectations of customers born after 1980. What should traditional businesse...

08 Feb 2018

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