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Erik Pickett

Erik Pickett

Actuary and Chief Content Officer at Club Vita
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Behavioral Economics in Banking

Cognitive miserliness: I’m too busy to think about that!

15 Mar 2021

Have you ever accepted online terms and conditions without reading them? Have you ever visited a restaurant without looking up its reviews? Have you ever thrown a ball without mapping out its trajectory using Newton’s equations of motion? Yes? Then you have displayed a behaviour known as cognitive miserliness. Cognitive miserliness: the tendency t...

Innovation in Financial Services

VitaMins: Socioeconomic effects of COVID-19

06 Apr 2020

The number of Google searches for the word unprecedented has recently spiked to unprecedented levels[1]. And for good reason; the COVID-19 pandemic is unlike anything in living memory - and it is not affecting everybody in the same way. Here I set out the reasons why different socioeconomic groups could be affected very differently by the pandemic...