A discussion of trends in innovation management within financial institutions, and the key processes, technology and cultural shifts driving innovation.
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Retired Member
I am of a generation who can remember the time before you could take your smart phone from your pocket, access an app and immediately see your bank account balances, make a payment or access additional services...whilst walking the dog! Why is this important? Because, as a wealth manager, if you do not offer me similar, immediate access to
14 October 2020 /wealth /inclusion
Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,
Such a no brainer that governments should work harder to get banks to expand the offerings only they can deliver cost-efficiently and securely. Starting from e-ID and e-invoices. In the Nordics it happened. Next banking 3.0 - for the data driven economy.
08 October 2020 /payments /retail
The banking sector has long been the subject of disruption. In recent years challenger banks such as Monzo have become established in the wallets and on the smartphones of digital natives, while tech giants like Apple, Google and Facebook continue to explore how they can develop their own financial offerings that integrate seamlessly with their co...
28 September 2020 /covid-19
Anthony Walton CEO at Iliad Solutions
The pressures of time and cost are constant barriers to effective implementation. These pressures can be offset, for example, by spending more money to reduce testing time. Adding to this inherent testing challenge is the increasing complexity of integrated processing systems. But if we invest in tools which increase productivity, we can deliver m...
21 September 2020 /payments
When I think about my own role (smaller than some say) in driving the Nordic digital mission – good for society at large - starting in banking and now aiming at verifying and connecting all data to life events and automation – there are some observations that may be relevant also from here forward. 1. Everything is based on teamwork – in constantl...
20 September 2020 /payments /inclusion
Jamie Nascimento Chief Commercial Officer at LemonTree Software
(602 words; 2 min) “you never got fired buying IBM”. The old adage that safe bets don’t go wrong is dying out. To get ahead in today’s competitive world, you need the right tech, not just the most popular or biggest. Let’s find out more. If you have spent any time in the tech industry, you’ll know the phrase ‘no one ever got fired for buying IBM’....
18 September 2020 /devops /startups
Outsourcing, or the use of external competencies, is something that management often considers; What parts of my organization can be outsourced, and what to keep in-house? The question that often arises is, “will this system or process give me a cost advantage if it’s outsourced?” If the answer is yes, then they move the operation outside of
08 September 2020 /devops /inclusion
Steve Morgan Banking Industry Market Lead at Pegasystems
The trend in digital banking is one that continues to build momentum. A widely held belief was that there are a number who resist - generally of the older generation – preferring to stick with more traditional banking. Yet recently, McKinsey research has revealed that consumer preference for handling everyday transactions digitally is as high as a...
02 September 2020 /retail
Saurabha Sahu Senior Solution Consultant at Wipro Limited
Banking industry is going through a massive transition and transformation to get the next generation of tech-savvy individuals on their platforms through various means. Emerging technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR) /Virtual Reality (VR) have been a boon, and a significant contributor to the future of banking by letting banks to create immers...
29 August 2020 /payments /inclusion
Jonathan Shanks CEO and co-Founder at Appvia
The fintech industry as we know it wouldn’t exist without the cloud. No financial app, comparison website or any of the other numerous innovations we’ve seen emerge from the last decade would be possible without it. Given its intrinsic value to fintechs, it is perhaps surprising that very few are using the most cost effective solution. Millions in...
26 August 2020 /cloud /devops
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