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Innovation in Financial Services

A discussion of trends in innovation management within financial institutions, and the key processes, technology and cultural shifts driving innovation.

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Have to watch those Aussies!

I note that the new Visa card with built-in OTP generator hails out of Oz. It makes me proud. It already has a transmitter/receiver (of sorts) and a keypad - all it needs is a microphone and a few tweaks and presto the credit card morphs into - a $20 mobile phone. Joking of course. Possibly an improvement, but still way behind mobile in the user-fr...

Nick Ogden

Nick Ogden Chairman at Ogden Research

Contactless payments, are we talking money?

Contactless payments really seem to have exploded recently. In the past month alone, we have heard announcements from both MasterCard and Visa about trials they are conducting in cities such as Liverpool, New York and LA; but it was the announcement of a trial that Visa is conducting in Guatemala that caught my attention. In particular, some obse

/payments /retail

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Official: iPhone beats Crack

Most people know the blackberry as the crackberry due to frequent addiction, sufferers sleeping with it under their pillow was not unusual. Now the real fun is starting with iPhone and Android coming into play and the latest study gives the iphone leadership over the blackberry. Probably most remarkable is the fact this was achieved in just one ye...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

I didn't see that wad coming - it was before I was born!

Security and authentication were only ever a spend if it involved cutting costs, either in the process itself, at the call centre, and as an after thought if fraud impacts on balances or the bank's balance sheet. Now that costs are more of an issue that still applies, but the trust issue is becoming a bottom line driver. Some of the bigger banks ha...


Nick Ogden

Nick Ogden Chairman at Ogden Research

Meltdown Monday and so in God we Trust

I was in Reykjavik, Iceland on the Monday when the Icelandic economy meltdown occurred. By co-incidence I was also on Wall Street when the 1997 crash happened and being in both locations was, I promise, purely co-incidental. In 1997 I was with professional investors, where $400m loss hurt but they didn’t die. In 2008 in Reykjavik the only experien...

/payments /retail

Nick Ogden

Nick Ogden Chairman at Ogden Research

POS fraud, E-Commerce challenges, Consumer confidence?

Following a report in The Telegraph earlier this month that described the international scale of what is known as a “supply chain attack” powered by Chip-and-PIN readers across the globe (, it does make me questi...

/payments /retail

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Mobile Payments and Balances - Not Banking For Now

It isn't hard to see why customers prefer to do their banking and bill-paying using a PC, rather than a mobile. Well it is hard to see, and that's the problem. Those tiny little mobile screens aren't in the race for the bigscreen financial view. Who would want to make a mistake or stress out about all those numbers? Why bother? The perception that ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Data Mining , Credit Ratings - Bank Tactics in Spotlight

A recent article in the New York Times has provoked some heated discussion as to the level of culpability banks and credit reference agencies share for the credit crash after it was revealed that they mined and marketed data and targeted sub-prime borrowers. Billions of mail solicitations for mortgages and refinancing, personal loans and credit ca...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Deliver My Statement In A Wheelbarrow

I'm just wondering what will happen to my bank statement when contactless takes off - assuming I use it. When I think about the large number of cash payments (30p here, 60-odd p there, a couple of quid on something else) that could be switched on to a contactless debit card, the paper bank statement I get each month could be impressive in size. I...


Stanley Epstein

Stanley Epstein Associate at Citadel Advantage Group

Is this compensation?

Executive compensation is in the headlines again. And guess where? Nowhere else but than about executives at the failed Lehman Brothers. I see that the failed investment bank's CEO, Richard Fuld, has been giving evidence to U.S. congressional investigators on executive pay at the firm. And the amounts that are being bandied about are (as usual) sh...

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