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Rocket stage reached..

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Typical e-invoicing transaction trend in Finland:

The shape of this curve reminds me of the development of e-banking transactions back in the 80s - first you sign up the customers - then you have to wait, and then wait, and wait - and then it takes off like a rocket - viral marketing works this way ´- and in the e-invoicing case naturally the deadlines for paper or e-mail set up by many large invoice receivers and transparent charging for having to send paper.

As a result of these actions we can already register that Tieto in Finland has passed a penetration of 70%, City of Helsinki around 65% and City or Tampere around 55%. Soon it will be close to 100%.  Municipalities are important as they have responsibility both for tax payers money and furthering of the networked  e-society in important dimensions. The deadline for unstructured invoices in the entire state sector is ultimo 2009. Of course it is necessary for the service providers - especially the banks to offer the 0-ITskíll & 0-investment service for the SMEs first. And network so that it works just like payments.

You can imagine that this is already saving costs big time - and that the following stage - automated accounting for SMEs can start soon. And then the next layers..




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