Innovation in Financial Services

Founded by Elton Cane
Group founded 12 Nov 2007
Posts 1,674
Members 208
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A discussion of trends in innovation management within financial institutions, and the key processes, technology and cultural shifts driving innovation.

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Bo Harald

Searching questions needed

1. Do we in EU – widely enough - realize that preserving the living standards of today and having more to share to those who need help - is totally dependent on how competitive our enterprises are? 2...

03 Mar 2011
Bo Harald

Save 50-75bn with e-procurement

Deutsche Bank report: “There is huge savings potential – but beware of outlandish claims. A conservative back-of-the-envelope calculation suggests that a full switch to e-procurement may save between...

03 Mar 2011
Brett King

iPad 2 takes the tablet game up a notch.

The Apple iPad 2 was launched by the so-called "rockstar CEO" Steve Jobs today in San Francisco to a broad reception of live blogging, tweeting and "cloud" participation online. It...

02 Mar 2011
Andy Hunter

The innovative world of UK payments

UK politicians often accuse the banks of failure to innovate in payments. The UK Payments Council was at least partly created and empowered to change this position but has so far failed to make its p

01 Mar 2011
Uri Rivner

ZeusiLeaks Archives File 004: Earnings Season

In this ahort ZeusiLeaks file I’ll talk about why it’s not a good idea if you’re a public company and your PR agency has Zeus infected machines during earning season… Quick reminder: WikiLeaks, the la...

28 Feb 2011
Brett King

Think NFC is going to take years? You're wrong...

There’s a great deal of debate in the Financial Services community at the moment about the potential impact of NFC or Near-Field Communication technology within mobile phones and how it will effect th...

28 Feb 2011
Tim Tyler

Freedom to bank via mobile?

I remember when I first became involved in online banking we had to ensure the site was optimised for very low bandwidth connections. One of my very earliest deployments the bank actually went live w

25 Feb 2011
Retired Member

Consumerisation Model and a vendors response - BlackBerry

So how do you answer the question of the Consumerisation Model for smartphones? Well Research In Motion (RIM) seems to have a response for the ever-expanding BlackBerry (and soon to be PlayBook car

24 Feb 2011
Retired Member

'Real costs of paper versus e-billing?' By Jon Warner

This post was posted on the EEI Platform by courtesy of the original publicist Jon Warner, CEO of PaySwyft (UK). Because of its added value its now on Finextra. "The question posed by this hea...

24 Feb 2011
Brett King

Building Digital Relationships equals Service

Everyday we’re making choices in the digital and physical worlds between one brand and another. Sometimes we choose a brand because they provide us with great service, but sometimes it’s simply becaus...

21 Feb 2011
Uri Rivner

2019: What we did to fight APTs

2019: What we did to fight APTs The 1982 masterpiece Blade Runner by Ridley Scott is one of my old time favorites. Harrison Ford chases androids in a futuristic, visually stunning Los Angels. The futu...

18 Feb 2011
Bo Harald

Not a 966bn business case?

We have learned that there are doubts about some of the assumptions in the PWC report in the EC Green Paper on VAT collection released on the December 2nd 2010. As it is obvious that the next importan...

17 Feb 2011

Now hiring