Finextra site news

Founded by Dirk Kinvig
Group founded 23 Jan 2007
Posts 86
Members 8
Group summary

We'll use this to announce new features and let you know if there is any maintenance in the pipeline. Feel free to post questions/tips/requests here.

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Retired Member

More changes at Finextra

I've just released our new blog listing pages into the wild. You may need to empty your browser cache to see them properly. We've added photos to the most recent items as well as page and comment coun...

29 Jul 2008
Retired Member

The Finextra blog editor tips - updated for 2008

I've just upgraded our blog and comment editor a little to address some issues we were having with some browsers - so I thought I'd update the TIPS AND TRICKS item from last year. Most of this will be...

15 Jul 2008
Retired Member

Is the iPhone about to take off for banking?

I'm posting this partly to illustrate another small change we've made to the site - in that you can now clearly see a reference to the original item if you've commented on a Finextra news or feature i...

14 Jul 2008
Retired Member

All change on Finextra

You may have noticed we've carried out a further overhaul of the site to tie the various sections together and hopefully make the appearance even more gorgeous. We have also strived to put functionali...

09 Jul 2008
Retired Member

What's happened to Finextra?

The sharp eyed among you may have noticed we've made a few changes to the site. This is the first phase of a whole raft of new features which will be appearing in the coming weeks. As always - your f...

11 Jun 2008
Retired Member

RSS feed for blog posts

People often ask if we have an RSS feed for our blog posts. Well - yes we do. In fact if you're using Firefox or Safari you'll probably have spotted it already. We have a selection in fact on our RS...

02 May 2008
Retired Member

Blog editor 'upgraded'

I've given our blog editor an overhaul behind the scenes after a couple of problems were kindly drawn to my attention. It should now do a better job of coping with material pasted in - previously it w...

28 Feb 2008
Retired Member

Changes to site - comments on blogs

It's encouraging to see folk posting in greater numbers up here with some interesting topics. In order to give a more accurate impression of how the interaction is going, we've changed the way comment...

17 Dec 2007
Retired Member

Wondering if you should blog?

Blogging can be time consuming so we're certainly not expecting people to do it every day - although there are folk who do this. If you want to give it a try, as a gentle introduction you may like to...

20 Sep 2007
Retired Member

Finding your way around the new site

We've changed the top navigation bar - you'll see a new link - Members area - which takes you instantly to your personal home page, or a login page if you are not currently logged in. Also a slight b...

03 Sep 2007
Retired Member

More changes to the site

One of the things we've found during the beta testing is that the way we manage and display communities could be better. We've had quite a few set up that have remained empty and maybe overlap too muc...

25 Jun 2007
Retired Member

New on the site for June

We've made a couple of improvements to the site. You'll see on the home and main listing pages we now have a "most popular communities" listing in the right hand panel. While you're in a com...

01 Jun 2007

Now hiring