Finextra site news

Founded by Dirk Kinvig
Group founded 23 Jan 2007
Posts 86
Members 8
Group summary

We'll use this to announce new features and let you know if there is any maintenance in the pipeline. Feel free to post questions/tips/requests here.

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Dirk Kinvig

Finextra's rebranding!

As you may have noticed we've been having a bit of a site redesign here at Finextra. We've revamped the home page, news pages and video pages. We've also added some cool new features such as the "...

21 Oct 2012
Dirk Kinvig

Apples are not the only fruit!

With the launch of our free iPhone app (Click here to go to the App Store), I thought it prudent to point out that the latest Finextra News stories are also available for other devices. If you've go...

09 Feb 2012
Dirk Kinvig

Finextra iPhone app makes its debut

We are now pleased to announce that we now have an app for iPhone devices. The app will help you keep abreast of the latest financial and technology news in wholesale and retail banking when you're a...

08 Feb 2012
Dirk Kinvig

Download the Finextra Android App

Here at Finextra, we've been keeping the web elves busy and we are now pleased to announce that we now have an app for Android devices. The app will help you keep abreast of the latest financial and ...

10 Oct 2011
Dirk Kinvig

Subscribing to Finextra Articles

We had a request from a Finextra Community member who wanted to be able to subscribe to a Finextra article so that he could be notified if anyone made a comment on it. We thought that this was a good...

12 Aug 2011
Dirk Kinvig

More opportunities to Thumb Up in Finextra

A week ago we rolled out the ability for Community members to Thumb Up comments that other users have added to news articles. We received some feedback from John Dring asking if we could add the abil...

24 May 2011
Dirk Kinvig

We're all thumbs at Finextra

On Friday Paul P commented on an announcement (See the above link). It was a comment worthy of further praise. So in view of this we've rolled out a new feature on Finextra for Community Members. We h...

17 May 2011
Dirk Kinvig

Commenting on the news articles

In the last year the web team has made several revisions to Finextra's Commenting system. One of the changes was to alert Finextra Community members, via email, when another member has commented upon ...

31 Mar 2011
Dirk Kinvig

Anonymous comments on Finextra

We have rolled out a new feature on the Web site. Finextra community members are now able to comment anonymously on the News Items, announcements, features and blogs on the Finextra site. All a Finex...

01 Mar 2011
Dirk Kinvig

Question for the Finextra Community?

A couple of weeks ago a Community member asked other members to respond to his blog with their insights for an article he was researching. If only there was a section within the Finextra Community whe...

28 May 2010
Dirk Kinvig

Look who's stalking!

We've added another piece of functionality to the Finextra Community. On your profile page there is a new "Recent Visitors" panel. The panel displays the most recent Finextra Community visit...

04 May 2010
Dirk Kinvig

If it ain't broke, fix it anyways!

"In search of Excellence" by Tom Peters is one of the few books that I first read over 15 years ago that I keep revisiting from time to time to glean nuggets of inspiration*. One of the ma...

18 Mar 2010

Now hiring