Fintech World

Group founded 29 May 2021
Posts 50
Members 9
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Approach to discuss and elaborate the latest trends in Financial Technology world

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Abhimanyu Toor

Unlocking fintech in emerging markets: 3 funding bottlenecks

Fintech investment and innovation in emerging markets has long been trending upwards, but 2021 was the year it exploded. African fintech broke the $1 billion funding barrier, a feat that the rest of ...

21 Apr 2022
Povilas Ruzgaila

Lithuanian FinTech Industry: An Undiscovered Rough Diamond

Only those who work consistently achieve the highest goals, and with consistency comes clear results. The Lithuanian fintech sector, which continues to maintain regular growth, is close to this approa...

05 Apr 2022
Retired Member

Big Data Architecture on Cloud

What is data pipeline? A data pipeline consists of a sequence of processes for processing data. The data is ingested at the beginning of the pipeline if it has not yet been loaded into the data platfo...

20 Mar 2022
Aman Behzad

Indonesian fintech’s spectacular 2021 is just the beginning

Following years of steady funding growth, 2021 was the year that Indonesian fintech exploded. This year saw Southeast Asia's largest economy attract fintech venture inflows of over $1 billion, mintin...

12 Jan 2022
Louisa Murray

2021 - That was the year that was

It would have been great to say, well at least this year we saw the end of the pandemic. As I write this, we have more reasons to be optimistic that we are closer to the end, but we are still going to...

31 Dec 2021
Kartik Swaminathan

Fintech – How India leads and way ahead

Fintech has a key role to play in the new age economy, and governments globally have this segment as priority. They know that Fintech’s will make the system frictionless, reduce cost of delivery, bett...

03 Dec 2021
Retired Member

Think about Cloud Security in Financial World

Financial Services customers understand how AWS services operate so that you can incorporate AWS into your existing processes and security operations centers (SOCs). As soon as you create your first A...

01 Dec 2021
Retired Member

All about AWS CloudWatch..

Most of the organizations are adopting cloud and migrating their applications to the AWS Cloud, they also need to ensure that cloud-based services like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and other resources ar...

09 Nov 2021
Retired Member

About AWS Dev-Ops setup and practices

AWS provides a set of flexible services designed to enable organizations to build and deliver products faster and more reliably by implementing DevOps practices. These services simplify provisioning a...

08 Nov 2021
Luigi Wewege

Latest Trends in The Fintech Industry and What to Watch For

In the last 10 years, there has been swift growth in the fintech industry (the industry that creates programs and technologies that support banking and financial services companies). The technology ha...

21 Oct 2021
Retired Member

Natural Language Processing in Fintech world

Natural Language Processing in Fintech world Technology in Banking and Finance space has given us some of the optimistic examples of evolving technologies being adopted in financial industry and has a...

08 Sep 2021
Retired Member

Use of Artificial Intelligence in Banking World today

AI is evolving on fast pace. Financial organizations are already using AI technologies to identify fraud and unusual transactions, personalize customer service, help make decisions on creditworthiness...

29 Jul 2021

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