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Luke Voiles CEO at Pipe
I’m sure it won’t come as a surprise to you that the VC-funding boom of the past couple of years is over. With those VCs still sitting on dry powder, hesitant to pull the trigger on growth-stage companies, there’s not much booming happening at all. Companies are raising down rounds to sustain themselves and looking for ways to get by indefinitely,...
15 September 2023
Convenience has become table stakes now. In the past few years, especially since the onset of COVID, we’ve come to expect that what we need can be dropped on our doorstep with the click of a button. Those expectations go beyond our personal lives and carry over into how we run businesses, which is why embedded financing is growing so fast. For in...
24 July 2023 /markets
Donica Venter Marketing coordinator at Traderoot
In our latest blog post, Traderoot CEO, Jan Ludik, digs into embedded finance and some of the benefits and challenges of adopting this innovative solution. Embedded finance is a rapidly growing trend in the financial technology industry. It involves integrating financial services and products into non-financial platforms and applications, such a...
07 July 2023 /payments /inclusion
Joris Lochy Product Manager at Intix | Co-founder at Capilever
In my blog post "The financial sector boundaries are blurring" ( I explored the evolution where traditional financial companies are expanding their offerings with adjacent services, while companies from other sectors are also offering more and more financial s...
06 July 2023 /startups
Ekmel Cilingir Chairman of the Supervisory Board at European Merchant Bank
The FinTech industry is picking up speed, and is changing our understanding about financial services and their uses in many fields. One of the reasons for this change is embedded finance. This technology is subtly and significantly transforming entire sectors, as well as creating new opportunities. A study by Juniper Research revealed that the wor...
06 July 2023 /predictions
Rob Straathof CEO at Liberis
Payments lie at the intersection of commerce and the ever-expanding digital economy. For the Payment Service Providers (PSPs) that ply their trade in this dynamic space, there’s a unique opportunity to create new revenue streams and increase merchant retention: diversification. By partnering with an embedded finance platform, PSPs can go beyond ...
21 June 2023 /inclusion
Jamel Derdour CMO at Transact365 -
Embedded finance has been a buzzword in the financial industry for the past few years, and it shows no sign of slowing down. With the rise of technology, financial services are becoming increasingly integrated into non-financial products and services. In this article, we will discuss what the rest of the year holds for embedded finance. Continued ...
13 June 2023 /payments /markets
Leon Gauhman Founder and CPO/CSO at Elsewhen
If the traditional banking industry was waiting for a sign that Big Tech’s threat looms larger than ever, Apple’s launch of a game-changing savings account via Goldman Sachs may be it. With 4.15% annual percentage yield, no fees and zero demand for a minimum deposit or balance, the new Apple Card savings account – which users can set up from th
01 June 2023 /payments /retail
Esteban Lopez Global Industry Director FinTech at Kantox
Embedded finance, the placing of a financial product or service in a non-financial platform, is quickly changing the global economic landscape. According to Bain Capital, financial services embedded into software platforms will exceed $7 trillion by 2026 in the United States alone. Consultants McKinsey, in turn, foresee revenues of about $20 bill...
25 May 2023 /payments /markets
There’s an all-too-common scenario that pervades the payments landscape: acquirers blindly falling into a commodity trap. This unwanted outcome occurs when a financial institution that processes credit and debit card transactions on behalf of merchants sees its competitive edge blunted by competition. Over time, their service becomes indistinguish...
22 May 2023 /payments /inclusion
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