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A place to share stuff that isn't at all fintec related but is amusing, absurd or scary.

Retired Member

Retired Member 

More political correctness from Air India c1950

The latest amusing chapter from Air India International's 1950 passenger information booklet. Exactly as printed including the illustration. We've clearly become a bunch of fuddy duddies. This chapter is entitled: A Great Injustice Unlike the leading hotels in the mountain resorts of India, no gong will be sounded at dawn for passengers to return t...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Bail-In passes the House and the wheels are in motion

I thought that calling it a bail-out was inappropriate and it should be called the bail-in. Let's hope it doesn't become a habit. The question remains as to whether giving a whole lot more money to a bunch of guys who don't trust each other enough to lend each other money will actually fix things. It remains to be seen. Let's hope so. At the very l...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Google glitch on Nasdaq causes a quake in Mountainview

Googles share price at the bell yesterday was $341.43. Apparently it was an error. Nasdaq has revised their share price to $400.52. Bet that caused a few shivers in Mountainview seeing their share price altitude plunge from it's $700 peak. Nasdaq said the error was due to trades routed from another exchange and have cancelled some late trades below...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

What Crash? That was a minor correction.

The downturn on Wall St couldn't be classified as a crash. It's a long overdue correction which hasn't played out fully. The crash, if it comes, is yet to come. Historically we've had a similar drop in the Nasdaq every 4.2 years, it's been 7 years. Overdue. The S&P has had a similar drop on average every decade. This one was 10 years overdue. T...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

More PC from the past - weighing passengers pre-flight

Earlier this year with fuel prices sky high, airlines toyed with the idea of weighing passengers. This is nothing new. Today's chapter and illustration from Air India International Passenger information from 1950: 'Nature Boy' Some airlines don't weigh their passengers. Our government insists that we do. With our rivals so chivalrous we realise tha...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Now I've seen everything...

The news this week has been pretty depressing. The rise of the far right in Austria. Financial armageddon seems perilously close (I notice the not-at-all-dumbed-down BBC have a helpful picture). So - thank goodness for Google mail's targetted ads. I'm used to them being plain weird - but this one took the biscuit. Towel Cakes Towels Seductively ...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Why mobiles will rule locally and globally

Because they can, for the very same reasons that Visa (accepted everywhere) dominates over any instrument only accepted locally including cash currency. Mobile transactions will be the 'accepted anywhere, don't leave home without it' solution for purchasing either in-store or on the net for the vast majority of consumers within 5 to 10 years. Only ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Congress Needs to Help Homeowner Occupiers

There isn't anyone in Congress who doesn't think something has to be done. The question is what do they do? Their jobs are on the line. If they fail - they are out. If they upset voters - they are out. If they do nothing - they are out. The one common belief is that homeowner occupiers need help. The problem with the bail-out is that it is bailing ...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

A laugh from the age before PC from Air India - Tata c1950

I thought we all need a bit of a laugh and I pulled out an old Air India International Flight Book from around June 1950 when they first opened the route from Bombay to Geneva and London flying Constellations. This chapter is about pilots chatting to passengers. I'll put several of the chapters up because they are a laugh and provide a contrast fo...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Click Jacking and Click Fraud Rule the Net

I suppose by now everyone is convinced that the internet isn't really all that safe. Your browser, ISP, DNS, BGP...everything is unreliable, insecure and most of the software you use is so full of bugs that a schoolgirl could pretty well trick, fool, exploit or engineer any user into doing anything they want without them even realising it. The late...

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