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A laugh from the age before PC from Air India - Tata c1950


I thought we all need a bit of a laugh and I pulled out an old Air India International Flight Book from around June 1950 when they first opened the route from Bombay to Geneva and London flying Constellations.

This chapter is about pilots chatting to passengers. I'll put several of the chapters up because they are a laugh and provide a contrast for today's political correctness.

Today's chapter is:

Our Pilots

No man is a hero to his wife. This applies to our pilots and us. If asked to describe our skippers, we'd say a cross between Gaugin and Lady Chatterley's lover. Incidentally this flying thing is a hobby with them, their real income being all on the side. In flight our Captains have to spend a few minutes chatting to passengers. It's considered good for public relations. But a word of warning. When you see your Captain making a bee-line for you, transfer your wife and wallet to the other side.


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