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e-id and e-payment progress in 2009 - Finland

Bank e-id serve the entire public sector (in several other countries as well) and eliminates the need for expensive and user-un-friendly one-purpose-smart-card solutions (also non-bank customers have the right to get bank-id for this purpose). Also a wide array of strong-authentication needing private sector services and even trade unions contribute to the growth in strong e-id transactions (the habit and cost-efficiency is naturally created in e-banking - some 500 million times). I

Is this the most cost-efficient alternative and familiar and userfriendly and secure and model for public-private partnership and saving tax payer's money? You bet!

When looking at volumes for these innovations it has to be remembered that Finland is a 5,5m country – proportionally transferred to for example Germany this would be about 270m e-id transactions and 450m e-commerce payments.






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Bo Harald

Bo Harald

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Transmeri, Demos, Real Time Economy Program,MyData

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Helsinki Region

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