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Far more important than SEPA

E-invoicing is by all measures far more important than SEPA (a claim I have been making since the first SEPA-discussions).

Far more important for:

- productivity in EU enterprises

- cost savings in the public sector

- CO2 reduction

- and above all as the next milestone in building the Single Market

Allmost all invoices in EU are digitally born โ€“ but 93% of them are reduced and impoverished into paper or PDF โ€“ only to be re-digitized at great expense and loss of much of the valuable information originally included.

Only 7% make it in digital form all the way into the receivers systems. When this share is increased to north of 50% the impact on migration to SEPA-payments will be radical  as the defacto ready ISO-standard for e-invoices leads to SEPA-payments โ€“ automatically.


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Bo Harald

Bo Harald

Chairman/Founding member, board member

Transmeri, Demos, Real Time Economy Program,MyData

Member since

04 Nov 2008


Helsinki Region

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Innovation in Financial Services

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