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The PSD has arrived; is it a threat or an opportunity?

Senior payments professionals from RBS, HSBC, BNYMellon and JPMorgan join with industry analysts to debate the future of banking and payments in the European union, in our upcoming webcast hosted by Finextra and Western Union.

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According to independent research carried out by Finextra, 38% of banks surveyed viewed the introduction of new Payment Institutions (PIs), established by the PSD, as an "opportunity to form partnerships"

However, while 34% saw a "marginal or no competitive threat" from new PIs, more than have of the banks surveyed, 55%, felt that foreign and international banks posed "the biggest competitive impact post-PSD". These results may reflect how the market will react to the PSD or they may shed light on the banking community's failure to see beyond other banks as any kind of competitive threat.

The webcast will be broadcast at 10:00 untill 11:15 GMT, 4 December 2009. All that is required is a Flash-enabled Web browse.


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