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Everybody writing - nobody reading?

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Everybody is writing and nobody reading? Writing takes all the time available.. I should of course not complain as my posts here have soon generation one million page views...

But we do live in a time of COMMUNICATION CRISIS as the technology and information avalanche is fragmentating audiences into ever smaller groups - where everyone has less time for any one thing. This is a very tangible problem for new businesses and new practices - what in the past could have been easily adopted with ordinary methods, now requires much more than even social media can offer to catch on. At one point we thought that 2 minute videos would solve the problem - but then there is an avalanche of them as well.. And then you have the occasional wild card that for no apparent reason is skyrocketing - very much due to social media distribution.

What makes this issue exponentially more important is that the most important innovations require a network of actors - co-innovation, co-creation, co-production, co-serving, re-use of existing services and customer habits x-sectors, co-regulating, co-deregulating and even co-standardization - often even on a global scale. Very few - if any - can pull off something of importance. And to get this kind of co-operation going is very difficult - especially as quarterly capitalism is underlining everything else than investment into the longer term bigger benefits. New real time ecosystems are not born overnight without longterm commitment.

Do I have an answer? Not really.. But what I keep experiencing that you seem to have to talk people into even evident win-wins one at a time - so do it! It does work. Then when I find time to read for example blogs I am surprised how much I actually can learn and hopefully pass on into the multistakeholder programs I am participating in. So I have to find time for it - even at the cost of writing less..


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