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First in the world

Now the first e-invoice using ISO20022 e-invoice standard has been exchanged - cross-border and using SWIFT!

Now it is time for all interested in improving interoperability and starting cost lowering trend for the benefit of enterprises, society at large and also themselves to join the pioneers. Please let me know so that credit can be given.

The e-invoicing session at SIBOS was very encouraging - 99% of banks present showed a green card when asked if e-invoicing is a part of payments. A good dozen showed green cards when asked if the are actively selling e-invoice. Only banks can bring the needed sales force and economy of scope needed by all.


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Bo Harald

Bo Harald

Chairman/Founding member, board member

Transmeri, Demos, Real Time Economy Program,MyData

Member since

04 Nov 2008


Helsinki Region

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Innovation in Financial Services

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