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Single Dealer Pages are NOT Single Dealer Platforms

It’s always a good sign, when your competition attempts to copy you.

Bond Vision, the bank to client arm of the MTS bond trading platform, yesterday announced the launch of a suite of Single Dealer Pages for fixed income trading from six leading dealers – (similar to the single bank page concept that is already available on Bloomberg).

In FX and FI, banks and clients seek a more customized “Relationship Channel”. However, the multi dealer platforms (MDPs), by the nature of their model, can only really offer a ‘one size fits all’ single bank channel.

So, from what we see, whilst MDPs continue to deliver an important source of client execution flow, banks are nevertheless continuing to invest in their own Single Dealer Platforms.

Building highly differentiated, and targeted segment solution “Relationship Channels” for clients, through which clients can access the deepest liquidity, the finest prices, and the most compelling and actionable research, and strong STP offerings.




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