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I work for Bank of America, DM me!

Bank of America was an early active adopter of Twitter, which they use to monitor and respond to customer service questions.

It is interesting to see how Twitter as evolved. For some it is about watching the conversations (is there a #hashtag for that?). For others it is about following interesting or relevant people.

In order to conclude whether someone is interesting or relevant, what do you do? You look at their profile and read their Tweets - making it easier to weed out those who tweet "I'm having my third cup of coffee" from the "Developing a dealer portal at a large investment bank".

The obvious concerns about customer identity and secure bank account details make @BofA_Help fancinating reading. See for yourself here.

Remember, "I work for Bank of America, please DM me with your concerns."


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Elizabeth Lumley
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Elizabeth Lumley

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