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Touch technology in bank branches?

Apple Tablet PC is rumored to arrive soon, and will add some oil to the fire with discussions on touchscreen devices and their possible use. The two greatest achievements so far were the successful iPhone plus its ‘hot butter touch’ GUI and Microsoft Surface which was superior on videos, but never really made it to the wide public use. An other interesting touch approach is Skreeno, which turns the shop (bank branch) window to a giant touchscreen, can be approached from inside or from the street.

So the question is how to use touch technology meaningfully in bank branches?

For example Barclays Piccadilly introduced Microsoft Surface as a spectacular product selection toy recently.

Some more ideas:

-          Provide a tablet PC to any customer coming into the branch to make a self-advisory or do online banking on it (preferably sitting on a café-style all-window room and sipping latte).

-          Make a beamed product show onto the branch window and let it be browsed from inside or outside. A simple cover flow of products would attract the people immediately.

-          Use an interactive Surface table for the visualization of complex mortgage parameters, giving a clear pictorial image of the calculation results for the advisor and the customer in the same time.

Your ideas are welcome in comments.


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