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SSL Critical Security Weakness Revealed


It is not new to the experts, but SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is not as secure as it is supposed to be.

The SSL security protocol is receiving a critical security update. This update does not concern the SSL encryption itself, but the authentication of the websites initiating the SSL connection.

To establish a SSL connection, a website must possess a certificate. However a method to obtain these certificates, domain validation, is easily hackable. A hacker can upload a website that looks like a legitimate website, and be identified by the browser of the user with his valid certificate. It is the basic approach of most of the phishing attacks.

To combat these attacks, a new generation of certificates has been setup. These EV (Extended Validation) certificates are delivered after a stronger due diligence of the entity having the website and cannot be obtained by a hacker, supposedly.

Anyway, even the usage of EV certificates is not a perfect solution. It is possible when you connect on an open WiFi spot to take control of the DNS (Domain Name System) of the access point and redirect the traffic to a fake website once the authentication is performed on the legitimate website. In this case the browser does not see the trick, neither does the user.


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Comments: (1)

A Finextra member
A Finextra member 20 July, 2009, 01:38Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

Finextra readers are very well informed and  the experts who read my blog on finextra would have been aware back in February.

I don't like to harp on with too much bad news (especially before Christmas when SSL flaw was outed) because we all know there is plenty of that and I thought I'd leave that to the identity theft expert, while I went and cured us of identity theft.

It is important to remind us all that the internet is mostly illusion, especially when it comes to security.

Perhaps the illusion will embrace EV as it did green browser bars and the rest of the bull we got last year, but - as you point out - it's not perfect - and I would agree that a solution need not be perfect, but we must be aware of it's limitations.

Half a year of naked surfing while we waited for the 'fix' to SSL wouldn't have done much harm anyway eh? That horse has long ago bolted and given birth to a herd of wild ponies.

Cedric Pariente

Cedric Pariente

Stanford Certified Project Manager

EFFI Consultants

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20 Dec 2008



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