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How to Start Your Prop Trading Company? — 4-Step Guide

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If you are an aspiring trader and investor and you are looking to enter the lucrative world of proprietary trading, starting an entirely new business from scratch can be a formidable challenge. A more viable alternative is to launch a white-label proprietary trading firm which leverages an established technology provider. This white-label model removes the difficulties associated with building complex trading systems, securing regulatory approvals, and scaling operations globally. Instead, as an entrepreneur, you can keep your focus on client acquisition, portfolio management, and business growth. 

In this article,  we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to successfully launch your own white-label prop trading company. With diligent planning and execution of these processes, you can easily enter the industry through a streamlined, lower-risk pathway.

Selecting a White Label Provider

The first step is to select a reputable white-label provider through extensive due diligence. Leading options that support global, regulated operations include Techfinancials, Turnkey Forex, and MPCTrading. When evaluating potential partners, some key criteria include the quality and features of their trading platforms, depth of asset classes supported, robustness of integrations to liquidity providers and account custodians, customization abilities to suit your company brand, geographic scope of regulated licenses, and pricing models. 

Carefully review technology demonstration access, case studies of existing white-label clients, independent reviews, and license agreements in detail. Provider stability, performance track record, and customer service standards are also vital. Once you are satisfied with a preferred partner, negotiating the multi-year license contract is crucial. Ensure obligations around revenue shares, support responsibilities, and termination clauses protect your interests long-term for mutually beneficial cooperation. Request trial periods to fully test platform functionality.

Compliance Setup

Leveraging the provider's existing regulated licenses calls for registering as an Authorized Representative tied to their entity. Based on target markets, apply for registrations with governing authorities like the NFA, FCA or MAS by filing comprehensive business plans.  

These include risk management policies, Know-Your-Customer procedures, detailed financial projections covering costs and forecast trading volumes, sources of initial capital, and any additional compliance obligations mandated by specific rules. Substantial application dossiers require professionally compiled documentation.

Once authorized as an Introducing Broker or similar capacity, systems must uphold real-time record keeping of all client onboarding data, trades, and communications as per globally accepted standards. You should engage compliance advisors to advise on updated rules.

Brand Development

Launching a white-label prop trading company makes entering the lucrative world of proprietary trading more streamlined, but success still requires attracting the right type of clients and investors. To distinguish your company in the competitive industry, developing an impactful brand is crucial. Below are some of the targeted steps to use in improving the brand of the firm and marketing your new white-label prop firm for success. 

Build an Informative Website

Your website is often a prospective client's first introduction to your firm. Ensure it clearly outlines your value proposition, areas of trading expertise, team bios demonstrating qualifications, compliance credentials, and testimonials if available. 

Leverage on Social Media

Creating accounts on professional platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook allows the sharing of educational, market commentary and performance updates regularly. Over time, this content develops your authority and cultivates a following primed to become paying clients. 

Generate Quality Blog Content  

A company blog presents opportunities to expand on your observations and strategies in more depth. Guest posting on other reputable finance blogs boosts your backlink profile and exposure to new audiences. Both the blog and social content should include a call to action driving readers to contact pages.

Target Qualified Leads

Promote through search engine marketing by bidding on keywords in Google and Bing. Email campaigns keep past leads and clients informed. Attending trade events fosters meaningful connections with potential partnerships while answering forum questions shows thought leadership.

Client Onboarding

Your white-label partner's platform allows you to present a branded trading interface to approved clients. Ensure the interface is robust, yet user-friendly for all experience levels. Rigorous screening of applicants validates credentials, assesses risk tolerance suiting strategies on offer and clarifies proprietary nature compared to commissions-based models. On-boarding ensures compliance with KYC/AML standards too.

You can provide dedicated customer support to address technical, administrative, and performance-related queries promptly. Likewise, using performance dashboards helps to keep clients informed of strategy progress transparently against disclosed objectives.

Consider offering value-added services like market commentary, educational seminars, and social trading features to generate recurring revenue streams. Continuously optimize client onboarding to match the right clients with your specialized expertise.


With diligence and perseverance, the white label model grants a viable pathway for determined entrepreneurs to enter the proprietary trading industry. While demands tireless effort, consistency across strategic marketing, premium client service, and discipline in portfolio management and compliance lay the foundation for sustainable growth. Success ultimately comes down to how effectively one leverages the synergies of an experienced technology partner alongside their skills, networks and vision to scale a bespoke trading operation profitably over the long run.



This content is provided by an external author without editing by Finextra. It expresses the views and opinions of the author.

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