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Most outdated technologies employed by banks

Banks play a crucial role in funds management and delivering essential financial services. Nevertheless, certain outdated practices, such as the sluggish and expensive traditional wire transfer system, are in need of a modern overhaul. Additionally, reliance on paper-based processes and the use of outdated mobile applications can hinder the efficiency of banking services. It is imperative for banks to swiftly modernize these practices to effectively cater to customers in the dynamic and digitally-driven landscape of today. There are various channels that help readers learn more about modern finances such as Tricksmode

Traditional Wire Transfers

The Traditional Wire Transfer system has many drawbacks and it needs to be changed completely. While this method is effective in facilitating domestic and international financial transactions, multiple issues make it difficult to use wire transfer today.

  • First of all, transactions made by bank wire methods are slow. And probably the slowest, particularly when it comes to international transactions. The transaction time can vary based on various factors, but in general, online wallets, credit/debit cards, and crypto transactions are much faster. 

  • Traditional wire transfer methods are costly. For example, financial brokers charge no transaction fees, however, intermediary banks typically charge traders significant amounts when using wire transfer methods. 

  • Most traditional wire transfer systems operate within specific business hours, and transfers started outside these hours will probably face delays. 

Paper based processes

We’re living in an increasingly digital world, and there are various benefits that come with the use of modern technologies. However, there are still various institutions, such as banks that still use paper based processes. There are various reasons why this also needs to change:

  • Cost and speed efficiency: digital technologies are cheaper to use than paper based ones. Paper requires physical storage, printing, and manual handling of documents. While digital ones have no such limitations. Digital documents can be sent and received right away. Many documents require speedy processes, such as: loan approvals, account opening, etc. 

  • Digital processes improve customer satisfaction as everything is much smoother. Online banking platforms, digital transactions, and mobile apps are important for flexibility. 

  • Digital systems improve security and limit mistakes. In addition, if mistakes do happen. They can be easily spotted and resolved, compared to paper processes that can take much more effort. 

  • Digital processes produce valuable data that later can be used by the banks to create customer oriented services in the future. 

  • Environmental impact: moving away from paper based systems helps the environment by saving trees. Paper production contributes to deforestation, and increased carbon emissions. 

  • Digital processes make remote work easier for bank employees. In addition, it also makes it possible for clients to receive services remotely. 

Outdated Mobile Banking Apps

We live in an era where nearly everyone carries a smartphone in their pocket, and having exceptional mobile apps is paramount. However, some banks still provide mobile banking apps that come with limited features, outdated interfaces, or insufficient security measures. Today’s consumers demand mobile banking experiences that are not only intuitive but also come with a rich set of features and robust security measures. 

Final Remarks

In the current era of advanced technology, it is imperative for financial institutions, including banks, to shed outdated practices and enhance their offerings. Primarily, the traditional bank wire transfer system requires an overhaul due to its sluggish nature and the substantial costs involved. Furthermore, a shift away from paper-based banking processes towards the digitization of services is essential for brakes to stay relevant and efficient in today’s digital landscape. In addition, we live in an age where everyone carries a smartphone. Banks that offer outdated mobile apps should invest more in their development. 


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