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How AI is reshaping the financial technology landscape

It’s no secret that technology is rapidly advancing the human workspace, and now we’re even seeing technologies come together to create a seamless environment. Indeed, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are increasingly collaborating in solutions, especially in the realm of fintech - and, when they do, the benefits seem unstoppable as this guide explains. 

AI and SMEs unveiled 

Years ago, it seemed that AI was just a buzzword. But today, it’s the driving force behind transformative operational dynamics in SMEs. And, when used in fintech companies, it’s revolutionising traditional work models, making businesses more efficient, adaptive and futuristic.

Removing the mundane 

Often it’s the boring tasks that are the most time-consuming, right? Think data collection, report creation, clerical work or even managing customer enquiries. But, it’s these tasks that are also essential to business success. Just imagine if you could complete these tasks without human intervention, however. That’s not to say you don’t need a human team. Instead, your resources could be better used elsewhere in other business-critical tasks. That’s exactly where AI and automation come in, ensuring every mundane task is completed and done optimally. 

One real-life example is chatbots which are powered by intelligent AI algorithms. Many of us will have used a chatbot online too, maybe without even realising, as more companies use AI to handle customer queries with even better efficiency. These bots aren’t just great at answering customers either but can predict customer issues and address them much quicker than a human could. What’s more, as with any mundane task, there is always the risk of human error. Again, AI removes this and completes such tasks with better accuracy and quality overall.

A leap for decision-making

We know that data drives business but raw data is just basic power. You see, the real power comes from what you do with that data. Again, this is where AI comes in with the ability to dissect vast datasets, identify trends, predict market trajectories and offer actionable insights at a pace that humans could never match. 

Indeed, for SMEs, it appears that AI isn’t just a fashionable addition, it’s now a necessity if they want to keep pace in the market. It can transform their decision-making and ensure that businesses remain ahead of the curve. What’s more, this newly informed decision-making is what will set many businesses apart, and AI can be thanked for this.

Growing your team 

It’s not uncommon for training sessions to be tedious and boring but AI can redefine this too. Modern training modules, powered by AI, are interactive, adaptive, and responsive. These systems also assess individual performance in real-time, offering feedback, additional resources, or challenging scenarios based on the learner's ability which results in a more engaged, better-trained, and highly motivated team. And when you do have this, their loyalty and satisfaction at work soars too. 

On the topic of a happy team, it’s no surprise that many modern workers want the option to work from home either. And, the concept of the 'office' is evolving also, thanks to remote working capabilities. In fact, AI plays an instrumental role in this transformation. Tools equipped with AI are streamlining virtual collaboration. Plus, real-time transcription, engagement analytics, and even mood detection algorithms are making virtual meetings more productive and less transactional.

Moreover, AI makes managing challenges like coordinating across time zones even easier, ensuring that virtual teams operate cohesively. By bridging communication gaps, AI tools ensure that while the teams might be geographically distant, they remain operationally close-knit.

The ethical conundrum

While the advantages of AI are obvious it's not without its ethical dilemmas and challenges. From privacy concerns due to excessive data collection to potential biases in AI algorithms, the implementation of AI necessitates a rigorous ethical framework.

Moreover, it can’t be ignored that some jobs no longer have a place in a world where AI runs free. But of course, while AI might render certain roles redundant, it also opens avenues for newer, more advanced roles. Companies need to ensure they manage this transition empathetically, offering retraining and upskilling opportunities to those individuals affected or concerned.

Navigating the AI wave

AI in fintech is undeniably powerful. It promises efficiency, foresight and adaptability. However, its responsible implementation is crucial. As businesses, the onus is on us to ensure that we harness the power of AI ethically. The AI-integrated future isn't an impending reality; it's already here. The challenge and opportunity lie in how we navigate this wave, ensuring it uplifts businesses, employees, and the industry at large.


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Chirag Shah

Chirag Shah

Founder and CEO

Nucleus Commercial Finance

Member since

05 Jun 2023


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