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IN January 2016 have japanese government officially introduced concept named SOCIETY 5.0. It was the aswer to INDUSTRY 4.0. Just on moth before was launched INDUSTRY 5.0 as well, but I do not think its existence was known to the team behind SOCIETY 5.0 concept.

To describe SOCIETY 5.0 with simple words, it is the trabsfer of digitalization and automatization from industrial to non-industrial and non-commercial environment, to people and households. The reason for that step is the fact that JAPAN is the fastes eldering nation where more that 50% of citizens are already over 60 years of age.

Details can be read on the official website by Japanese government

I have learned about the existence of SOCIETY 5.0 short time after the itroduction and try to gt in touch with the "MOTHER" of SOCIETY 5.0 Yuko-san, but my networking request was not accepted, same as none of the cooperation offers has been reflected.

Following the development of SOCIETY 5.0 in Japan I recognize later that the authors did similar mistakes as INDUSTRY 4.0, means to entrust all the machines and leave the people behind, or better to say take meaningfulness of HUMAN WORK and EXISTENCE away.

Just shortly before the end of 2022 announced Japanese government, for a second time already, incentive for relocation of young Japanese families with children, from Tokyo into rural areas specified in a documementation. The TIME published an article describing the intention of the government to repopulate bigger parts of the country. 

The fact is that already on Ocrober 9, 2019, I have described the fail of the concept in a article named The B(D)OOM of SOCIETY 5.0 which was strongly criticised, to realize 3 years later to predict the development with high accuracy.

The Japanese government should change the direction and modify approach. Instead of following SOCIETY 5.0 the government should follow INDUSTRY 5.0 principles that would help not only to stabilize the situation but recover the society, economy so as industry. Since 2019 the price for natiowide implementation is available, which may helped the goverment to predict the national developmetn with high accuracy. 

I hope INDUSTRY 5.0 principlys will help to strenghten the nation and turn it back to one of global leaders.

Michael Rada, HUMAN


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