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Commenting on Finextra now even easier

Yes, even easier than it was last week.

In fairness, we have responded to some user feedback and we've made some adjustments to make it a little more straightforward.

In case you missed last week's post, a comment is a quick and concise text response to a news or feature item. If you want to go into depth with links and a picture, then post a related blog instead.

To comment you need to be a full community member, otherwise all you do is click on the comment link at the foot of the story. You can then view any existing comments, unless you're the first to comment of course.

There are basically three steps.

  1. Make your comment. The editor pane is a single text box. Plain text only please with no links. Click SAVE.
  2. Preview your comment. At this point you can edit again or if you change your mind you can delete it.
  3. Click PUBLISH to make it live.

Once live on the site, you can't remove it, so please take care.

If you forget to PUBLISH, all you need to do is login again and look on your personal home page - there will be a link there to edit it again.

As always - let us know how we can improve matters.


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