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Significant Growth Of Tech Roles In The Fintech Industry

For the first quarter of 2022, the global fintech industry had an astounding more than 182 percent surge in tech employment growth, with the top 8 fintech “mega hubs” accounting for over 90 percent of all new fintech positions offered throughout the world.

From Robert Walters' Global Fintech Talent Report, it is clear that the fintech business is one of the post-pandemic fastest-growing industries. A global shortage of tech expertise, according to the recruiter, threatens to put a stop to the financial industry's rapid expansion this year. In light of this, the British Chambers of Commerce is requesting that the government give temporary visas to fill 100,000 positions in the UK tech sector per month.

There is a growing interest in international remote working as a tool for global mobility and global human resources. 64 percent of organizations in the Telecommunications and Technology sector have gone to the implementation stage of remote working, compared to the overall industry average of 37 percent, according to KPMG's findings.

Global Talent Report And The UK

Toby Fowlston, CEO of Robert Walters, stated, "The prediction for organizations working in the global fintech business is a very bright one, but their development will be based on their ability to attract and retain the proper IT talent."

It has long been acknowledged that modern economies cannot be "excellent at everything" and instead have concentrated their efforts on becoming experts in a few key areas of expertise. "

For example, Germany excels in engineering, China is a manufacturing powerhouse, and the United Kingdom is a financial powerhouse. Because of the global nature of the fintech business, it seems that all major economies are vying for a piece of the fintech pie. However, no nation completely dominates technology.

It is worth noting that one of the main reasons why the demand for employees increased in the field of Fintech is that people realized the impact of Fintech on several industries. A good example of this is the Forex market, which nowadays is the biggest financial market. Fintech had a big influence on improving the services of Forex brokers, which are the main part of the forex trading process. Those traders who want to spend less money and make their trading effective should open an ultra low standard account with XM, which furnishes investors with a myriad of advantages. The brokers, including XM, are able to offer their clients financial services because of Fintech’s big role. Fintech and Forex trading should be stated, are intertwined, and are making the trading process more efficient, as well as simple. 

With more competition and customer choice, there is a difficulty in terms of skills, and as the adoption of fintech products grows at an amazing pace the question is whether there are enough of the proper tech talents to keep up with the expansion. 

According to Robert Walters' Global Fintech Talent Report, several aspects affect talent recruitment around the globe. These factors include skills in demand, retention levels, and gender diversity.

Just behind the United States, the United Kingdom attracted $4 billion in fintech financing last year, matching China and Japan as the world's two largest technology nations. 

More than 1,500 active fintech firms make London a desirable location for fintech headquarters, with nearby Manchester - which is currently hosting its eponymous tech week - and Birmingham also proving to be desirable for satellite offices. 

Fintech Job Growth

There has been a 223 percent growth in new fintech positions in the United States, making it the country with the largest gain. This expansion is concentrated in the cities of New York (up 246%) and San Francisco (up 146%). 

The second-highest rate of increase has been recorded in Japan (+214%). Almost a third of all fintech businesses in the nation are using blockchain technology, which has grown by 51% in the last year.

One of the world's most mobile talent groups, "technology workers" naturally gravitate into hotspots or hives of activity where their competence is in high demand and compensated well, says Toby Fowston.

We shouldn’t be surprised to see a large flow of talent to the eight fintech centers now that travel and immigration barriers throughout the world are rapidly dissolving. Globally, software engineering and development is the most sought-after fintech position - a third of fintech job postings are for this position. Embedded finance, fintech as a service, hybrid cloud platforms, and embedded finance will emerge along with a strong emphasis on user experience, in part, because of the large numbers of engineers being hired in these cities. 

Software development is in high demand in practically every business because of the rapid digitalization of all industries. According to Toby Fowston, the high degree of expertise required from developers in fintech is undoubtedly reflected in the salary of those working in the field. Fintech talent throughout the world is dominated by men, with just a quarter of it being female. It’s a dramatic contrast to the expanding number of female workers in technology and financial services, which now make up more than a third of the workers. 


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Konstantin Rabin

Konstantin Rabin

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18 Aug 2015



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