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Bitcoin to tap $200K in H2 2022

While the $100K predictions withered away during the last month of 2021, bitcoin (BTC) price predictions are starting to resurface this year. 

In a note to investors, Fsinsight, a Fundstrat company said that BTC could increase by almost 500% from the current price point to around $200,000.

The prediction stems from Fsinsight and the firm’s head of digital asset strategy, Sean Farrell. Fsinsight and Fundstrat are both bullish on crypto assets’ upside potential, with Fundstrat Global Advisors’ head of research recently claiming bitcoin still has “exponential growth ahead of it.”

According to Fsinsight, regulators in the US may stifle the price growth of the biggest crypto asset. “All assets can sell off and drop another 50% if the Fed hikes 4% tomorrow or next month,” Farrell remarked in the note. “But right now, as things stand, the upside to both bitcoin and [ethereum] is much larger than the downside.”

In the past week, digital currency values have increased with Bitcoin climbing over 12% and ethereum jumping more than 13%.


What do you think about Fsinsight’s prediction about bitcoin and ethereum skyrocketing to new highs in H2 2022? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.


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