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MicroStrategy, Microsoft, Tesla and you.

Michael Saylor is betting all on Bitcoin

Bill Gates is betting on Bitcoin collapse

Elon Musk placed his bet and is waiting...

What about you? 

Michael Saylor is an engineer focused on business analysis that founded MicroStrategy in 1989 - with more than 30 years of experience he is a pillar in his field. 

When it comes to crypto and Bitcoin he has been buying millions of dollars of Bitcoin, fully believing in blockchain technology. 

Saylor’s reason: Remittances and unbanked individuals need this technology 

Bill Gates is also an engineer specialised in development and founded Microsoft in 1975. He also has more than 35 years of experience. Microsoft has been accepting Bitcoin at some point and after a few months Bill Gates has decided to position himself against Bitcoin betting on its soon collapse. 

Gate’s reason: energy consuming, transactions with no verified identity and no reversibility 

Elon Musk is a clever entrepreneur specialising in the automotive sector and founded Tesla in 2003. His cars are unique in the world and fully electric. Elon Musk is a curious person by nature and has been also buying millions of dollars of Bitcoin and accepting it as a payment for his products. Lately he has stopped payments in bitcoin and by the looks of things analysing the market and testing his influence

Musk’s reason: energy consuming but believes the opportunity is there.

Michael Saylor and Elon Musk agree on the potential.

Bill Gates and Elon Musk agree on the energy consuming characters of the blockchain. 


Where should we position ourselves then? 

From afar, it may look like this technology is only for the big guys, but you can also jump into the crypto wagon. All you need is a computer, a laptop or even a raspberry pi!

This is the magic of open-source software connected to the blockchain. 


You, behind your screen 

Crypto is for everyone and anyone and is easily accessible.

Like these brilliant minds it is time to invest in crypto not only for the price performance but because of its power business applications. 

Crypto is the future of Fintech. Of course it might not be at its finest yet but the ideas and the opportunities it can offer to not only finance but gaming, art, software are there and must be taken into account. 

Open-source software that works with bitcoin and other crypto blockchains allow for new ideas to flourish. Take Red Hat, the biggest ever known and successful company to have led the open-source world. They based their business model on allowing everyone to use their source code and with that improved on the software.

The open-source market is now coming to crypto and is sharing the code to deploy a crypto exchange from any computer. Amongst this open source pool, Ethereum is the main one: you can go on their website and access all the technology to create your own token and deploy your part of the Ethereum blockchain. Although a minimum of technological background is typically required to do crypto, with the HollaEx Kit you can set up your crypto exchange platform and to create your own token automatically without programming - the wizard will guide you at every step.

Not convinced here is a list of open source providers with white label crypto exchange and useful crypto tools.

Would prefer to pay to be sure: Alphapoint is an interesting and strong provider as they provide the full package from the beginning to the end and specialising in enterprise. A small research can be done on Google and many other providers can be found

The fact is that crypto is the next phase in fintech and open-source financial software delivers this to everyone.

Let’s remember that an engineer, a developer and an entrepreneur managed to build an empire thanks to their beliefs and are now holding millions of dollars of Bitcoin. What about you, could you be interested in being as successful as them? 



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Adriana P

Adriana P


Xray Trade

Member since

08 Mar 2021



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