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Public-private not-for-profit network for verified data needed in all countries

Why, how and what described in the somewhat busy picture below. It works well as animated and walked through. But I will try with some brief points here:


The goal is to remove friction from the economy. Friction caused by paper, not real-time, lack of trust in counterparts and data, unstandardized data, need to search for data from many sources etc


Assemble a team of actors who (i) are prepared to collaborate (even if they are competitors), (ii) can contribute with skills and (iii) have a taste for disruptive innovations. The Findy (from Finnish Indy) consortium. Our own conviction that a common infrastructure is both needed and possible is based on four 1st-in-the-world-trials ( apartment deals, 2. first interoperable Sovrin/Corda network, 3. establishing enterprise digitally and enterprise ID, 4. revolutionize trading in unlisted shares (picture in next blog).  All aiming at making GDPR-protected data actionable for life events ( and Finland the first European Real Time Economy. 

What surprised us all most, was that the coding part was so easy and fast, even in the most complex area and that were no real legal issues when moving from paper based shares to fully digital trading. 


Internetscale solution for safe, secure,and private digital interactions between individuals,businesses, governments and ”things” based on:

- Trust over IP protocol. Interconnecting national networks x-border. Ready W3C, ISO standards and rulebooks for trusted data based on .

- Support creation of rulebooks for ecosystems in competitive space - where also new business models are needed.

- All-important public-private jointly owned not-for-profit co-operative governing and operating the network - this is the non-competive space.

- On this base layer it is possible to interconnect ecosystems in the competive space - at the same time creating interoperability and level playfield competition.

For sure a very fascinating platform for massive advances in the data driven economy


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Bo Harald

Bo Harald

Chairman/Founding member, board member

Transmeri, Demos, Real Time Economy Program,MyData

Member since

04 Nov 2008


Helsinki Region

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Blockchain in Banking and Financial Services

This group is to share any information related to enterprise wide Blockchain technology adaption in different Banking Financial Services sub-domains.

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