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Why Should You Pay Attention to Quantum Computing?

For over a year now, I have been uncovering the secrets of quantum computing, which is an exciting and rather unusual field of informatics. It is somewhat weird and yet extremely fascinating discipline, by being very, very different than anything I have learned or encountered so far in my career, as a software developer and high-tech executive. Last week I had privilege to participate on The Quantum Panel, as part of the Payments Canada conference.

But how could this mainly personal interest, be so relevant to payments innovation, which was and still is my main focus, for almost a decade now? As scientific field that is still very much in its infancy, quantum computing is also rapidly developing and maturing. It will likely impact every security we have built and relied on so far. It is not anymore question of IF, but WHEN is that going to happen. That’s why I felt that right now is the appropriate time for me to invest some time and try to understand its potential.

The business of electronic payments is based on trust, basically on being able to protect the communication channels and storage of sensitive information, like user authentication credentials, account numbers, personally identifiable information, etc. This is not an easy task, as there are many dishonest actors, who would be more than happy to take advantage of any security holes left behind, and benefit from stealing someone’s identity, money, etc.

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Milos Dunjic

Milos Dunjic

AVP, Payments Innovation Technology Solutions

TD Bank Group

Member since

17 Jan 2016



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