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Spare a thought for the waiters with mobile money

I'd just like to let the waiters and waitresses of the world know that we have thought of them with our mobile solution for transactions. Hospitality staff are all very important to both commerce and personal business, and we'd like to show our appreciation.

We have designed a payment system which allows for tips and gratuities and they can go straight into your mobile account so you can spend your tips going out after your shift finishes.
Whether your boss has a percentage bonus, division of tips or each keep your own, it all fits in with our mobile money solution.

We've even gone one better and enabled you to claim a tax deduction on your mobile phone and minimum account fee as neccesary for your employment because they will be.

There'll be no argument with the boss as to what your figures were with mobile money because your sales will sort of go through your mobile to make sure credit goes where it should.

Even roving store assistants in any type of store can take payment for an item direct from the customer with mobile money. In seconds. All you need is a mobile. Of course the money for the item never goes near your phone but your phone is part of the process for the customer to pay your store.

With everyone using credit cards in resaurants, and owners worrying about card fraud, they aren't very keen on paying tips in cash when their customers are paying by card. 

We are way ahead of the card industry with our thinking and doing and an example of this is that we'll offer waiters and waitresses incentives to get people paying with our mobile money, and at the same time we'll lower the merchant's fees. Beat that, because we can.

We think it'll be very popular with the waiters, don't you?


This content is provided by an external author without editing by Finextra. It expresses the views and opinions of the author.

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