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Sibos - Midpoint view

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Having had a sabbatical of several years from Sibos it has been great to return to the community at Sibos 2016 in Geneva.  So what has changed?  The grid layout of the exhibition still provides delegates with exercise aplenty. Judging by the number of stands with business card draws for fitness trackers and the “health corners” now we can strive to go home in better shape than when we arrived.  Although for some the healthy incentives of the Sibos day are simply an offset for the Sibos evenings!

The rise of the Fintech means that amongst the suited bankers and vendors we have a different style of exec, relaxed and more comfortably attired mixing with the suits.  I wonder how long it will be before wearing a suit at Sibos will become the exception?  Aligned to the emergence of the Fintechs at Sibos is the rise of Innotribe,  I remember thinking when Innotribe made its first appearance at Sibos that it was a strange notion, a bit of a gimmick.  But now Innotribe has to be one of the places to be at in Sibos.  Whilst everyone talks innovation an environment like this is needed in which to collaborate and stimulate real innovation. Talking of places to be at Sibos, the SWIFT stand is very busy and the amphitheatre design is great, a quite theatrical venue.

As well as great for doing business Sibos remains an environment for learning, the quality of the sessions that I have been to so far this year have been top notch.  Distributed Ledger (Blockchain) technology is clearly a topic that many delegates want to hear about as evidenced by the many crowded presentations on this subject throughout the conference.

The buzz and the positivity when the financial services community comes together is the same as ever.  Sibos is the springboard that lifts the financial services industry and drives reality into planning for the next calendar year and beyond.  The optimism and enthusiasm in the community to find common solutions whilst differentiating product and services is something that is uniquely Sibos.

What will never change is Sibos as a place for reunions with customers, former colleagues and business partners.  Rivalries and competition are momentarily cast aside for warm greetings, reminiscences and laughter, to those I’ve yet to catch up with, I’m looking forward to seeing you.


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