Remember that song from 1984, “Somebody’s watching me?” It was a great foreshadowing of things to come: These days, people really CAN watch you while you go about your business at home…through your computer. So if someone confides in you that “they’re spying on me through my computer,” don’t be too quick to assume your friend went off his meds.
Webcam technology can enable a hacker to view you via your computer. The technology is called RAT: remote access Trojans. It can record keystrokes and obtain all of your files. And you’ll probably not know someone’s watching you. And how does a computer become a portal through which someone can spy on you? Numerous ways, including installing a “lost” thumb drive you found and clicking on links in e-mails or pop-up ads.
Just think of what all this can mean:
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Rolands Selakovs Founder at
14 February
Sergei Grechkin Chief Risk Officer at AIFM Cayros Capital
Katherine Chan CEO at Juice
Yuval Shuminer CEO at Piere
13 February
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