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2011 (2)
John Clarke

John Clarke

Head of Product Innovation at WorldNet TPS
Message Message me Posts: 2 Comments: 5
Bio WorldNet TPS is a Secure International Payment Gateway. As Head of Product Innovation, my role is to develop & implement a Product Strategy that will allow the company to grow and differentiate in this competitive space. Career History An Acquiring lifer, John founded Flexicom in 1993, and grew the company (as CTO) until it's purchase by Elavon Merchant Services (formerly euroConex) in 2004. John then spent four years as Head of Product Innovation with Elavon, prior to founding WorldNet TPS.


Innovation in Financial Services

Multi Channel Commerce - it's not too late to be early!

20 Jun 2011

2010 - Year of the Mobile (finally!) Since at least 1999, each year has produced confident predictions that next year would be the "Year of the Mobile". So it's a relief to finally be able to talk about the Year of the Mobile in the past tense. The general consensus, from Google on down, is that 2010 gets the award as year of the mobile...

Innovation in Financial Services

Multi-Channel Commerce. Do I need to support it?

13 May 2011

Increase in online sales channels The number of online sales channels is increasing. A couple of years ago, being online meant having a web site, but the last two years have seen the development of at least two significant new channels – the mobile channel, and the social channel. Currently there are four accepted “pillars of online commerce” – t...


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