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2018 (1)
Nadia Benaissa

Nadia Benaissa

CMO at Fidor
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Bio CMO at Fidor. Over 15 years of experience in financial services and technology.


Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Why community should be at the heart of the bank

24 Jun 2019

As banks continue to prioritise online over physical channels, traditionalists still complain that banks have lost touch with their role in the centre of their communities. I’d like to argue that this is not just a cliché, it’s actively untrue. Bank communities are on the cusp of flourishing as never before - online. There are many examples of succ...


GDPR you’ve met the deadline but what about the customer experience

31 May 2018

GDPR might have seemed like a massive administrative burden over the past few weeks but it’s a wonderful opportunity to provide a better experience for your customers. Over the past couple of weeks, for people in Europe, the emails have been relentless, the tone varying from wheedling and whimsical (‘Don’t leave us this way’) to brusque (‘Urgent ac...