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2018 (2)
Mohan Raj

Mohan Raj

Senior Manager at Genpact Ltd
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Disruption in Retail Banking

AI in Customer Experience Transformation

12 Nov 2018

Customer experience transformation has been around for more than a decade. It was widely popular in retail industry which was quick to recognize Customer experience as a competitive differentiator. The concept gained traction across consumer facing domains notably consumer banking, E-commerce, Hi-Tech. Companies have spent millions of dollars in t...


Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Back office Optimization using Network Graphs

19 Sep 2018

The travelling salesman problem was mathematically formulated in 1800s by Mathematicians W.R. Hamilton and Thomas Kirkman. Considered as a classic algorithmic problem in the field of operations research, it focusses on optimizing a complex operation. While the problem finds parallels across industries, the complexity often varies and so are the so...