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Jose Carvalho

Jose Carvalho

Senior Vice President, Global Commercial Payments at American Express
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Bio Jose is Senior Vice President and General Manager at American Express Global Commercial Payments Europe. He has 20 years of international experience in the Payments Services, Consumer Banking, Retail Financial Services and Loyalty industries.



How fintechs can keep a handle on costs

17 Jan 2018

Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) now spend an average of £1 million (£1,016,194) each on business expenditure every year, according to new research*. The biggest costs in this annual shopping bill include hiring new staff, paying suppliers and investing in technology. And SME spending only rises as businesses age, so getting cashflow ma...

Fintech innovation and startups

Financial foundations for a fintech start-up

01 Nov 2017

Starting a business is never an easy feat. But in the fast-moving and competitive world of fintech, and with worldwide economic and geopolitical conditions changing every day, start-ups in the fintech sector need to keep one step ahead. As well as making sure business plans, hiring strategies and regulatory compliance are spot on, it’s essential to...