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2024 (1)
George Donchenko

George Donchenko

Country Manager at Viva Money
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Viva Money Honored for Excellence in Fintech Industry on World MSME Day

2 h

On June 27th, 2024, World MSME Day was celebrated in the city of Bengaluru, India. The event witnessed a gathering of influential pioneers from the MSME sector. Viva Money was honored for their excellence in Fintech Innovations accolading their valuable and significant contributions to developing cutting-edge financial solutions that simplify borr...

Asia Financial Services

How We Started Issuing Loans to the Self-Employed and Discovered the Huge Potential of This Segment

11 Jul 2024

When we launched our business in India, our initial focus was only on the salaried segment. We believed that the demand was high and that we should target this group first. In December 2023, we began providing loans in two Indian states, targeting just salaried individuals. Potential clients could get approval in just 9 minutes with two documents....