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2024 (1)
Eric Bierry

Eric Bierry

CEO at Sopra Banking Software
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Bio Eric Bierry is CEO at Sopra Banking Software. He is a financial industry leader with a proven track record in banking solutions and outsourcing. With extensive experience in general management, sales, and account management, he has cultivated strong ties within major companies in Europe and a deep understanding of the Indian market. Career History Eric possesses a robust expertise encompassing cloud technologies, banking solutions, software development, artificial intelligence, and cryptocurrency.


Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

The Age of AI in Banking: Three Ways AI is Transforming Banks and the Banking Customer Experience

25 Jun 2024

Open banking has set a new normal for how banks operate. Banks, financial institutions, fintechs and other third-party providers can now seamlessly and securely transfer data amongst each other. But, open banking is more than a tool to exchange data across the financial services ecosystem. With increased visibility into how consumers manage their ...

Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Three European Banking Trends Poised to Transform the U.S.

09 Apr 2024

Europe’s banking landscape today looks significantly different than it did just a few years ago, largely defined by new regulations that have emerged in response to consumers’ shifting financial behaviors. Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) and its successor, Payment Services Directive 3 (PSD3), for example, have transformed open banking from a n...