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2024 (8)
Mayuri Jain

Mayuri Jain

Senior Manager, BFSI Industry Marketing at Persistent Systems Inc.
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Bio Mayuri serves as the Global Marketing Lead for Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance at Persistent Systems, where she employs over 15 years of experience to craft and implement tailored marketing strategies. These strategies are designed to achieve remarkable results for clients and partners alike. In her role, Mayuri focuses on understanding the unique challenges and opportunities within the BFSI sector, aiming to position Persistent Systems as a leader in providing innovative and effective solutions. Career History Mayuri's career is distinguished by her leadership in kick starting successful startups, forging strategic partnerships, and spearheading digital innovation across various domains. With a rich background that includes the development of e-commerce platforms, analytics for civic infrastructure, and the integration of Google and open-source maps, she has consistently demonstrated a knack for tackling complex business problems. Her ability to generate value for stakeholders and her passion for resolving intricate challenges have been the hallmark of her professional journey.


The Payments Business

Are you Ready? FedWire Modernization, Unlocking New Opportunities for Financial Enterprises

07 Jun 2024

FedWire, operated by the Federal Reserve Banks, is essential for large-value and time-sensitive payments, ensuring secure and efficient fund transfers between financial institutions. As the financial landscape evolves, the upcoming modernization of FedWire presents significant implications for financial enterprises. Importance of FedWire FedWire...


Why Finance is Deploying Natural Language Processing

29 May 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of finance, Natural Language Processing (NLP) has emerged as a game-changer. This innovative technology, which enables computers to understand and interpret human language, is transforming the way financial institutions operate, enhancing efficiency, and offering new insights. Here’s a deep dive into why finance is i...


Diversification is The Key to Survival and Growth for Commercial Lenders in Challenging Times

15 May 2024

“In times of economic turbulence, diversification isn’t just a strategy—it’s a lifeline.” This powerful statement underscores the critical importance of diversification for commercial lenders, especially in today’s volatile economic landscape. In an era marked by rapid technological advancements and unpredictable market dynamics, commercial lender...

Sustainable compliance

Eshhhh, Green Hushing? The Silent Shift in Corporate ESG Talk!

14 May 2024

In recent years, the term “green-hushing” has emerged in the corporate world, reflecting a growing trend where companies are becoming more reticent about publicly discussing their Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives. This phenomenon is a stark contrast to the once fervent embrace of ESG principles, where firms were eager to hig...